Enquiry review form

For any organization marketing is key department & enquiry is key requirement of marketing department, marketing department are working hard to get at least single enquiry enhance motivation of the people of marketing, all the enquiries are very seriously considered by marketing department, in case of any technical deviation found that marketing department key for the both parties, for the plant people and customers.
On base of enquiries, marketing department ask to technical personnel for the requirements of the customers and same will be reply to customer in quotation or regret letter.
When the marketing department get the bunch of enquiry, all the enquiries are reviewed by marketing management or marketing director to understand requirements of customer and same will be possible for the manufacturing as same are asked by customer. All the concern documents and sides are considered by the reviewer through review form, requirements of the customers are enter in enquiry review form as structure ways to understand the checklist type format.
In the review form, all the details that quotations has are submitting in format for the prepare quotations, review form also covered recently received enquiries and delivered quotation to customer, this is important to understand on last quotation is given to customer but still quotation is not converted in order, for this quotation will be prepared on previously not done.
Enquiry review form in internal document for marketing, this document is very confidently document reason that all the costing amounts, base rates, raw material and process rates and profits ,variations & deviations, tolerances are covered in this format to very important for the marketing to keep silent to other department or publicly.
You know the all concern requirements of enquiry review form, here ready made format is available, you can download it, add , remove, edit, modify this document as your company requirements.
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