Engineering change document management
Engineering change document management is conducted to recording information of engineering change occurred in the system.
Engineering change document management is established, maintain and update for the conducting and managing information, recording of change effects are made during the financial year and managing all changes for acknowledge peoples and installed in system to run system smooth. The purpose of the preparation of documentation to conducting changes occurred in engineering division with product or product drawing that conducted as per change suggested by authority and implemented in the system for product improvement, product amendment or proofing mistakes in manufacturing / production. The engineering change are implemented as per standard requirements, in the current drawing each possibilities are verified by drawing / project manager as per product / process requirements and amend drawing and revise the records accordingly, but the processes / product verification are conducted by management in the general review to identify any change required for improvement of product and concern requirements of end application / technical requirements or product standards.
Engineering change document management are handled by project engineer / general manager for managing engineering changes and its impacts on various department and production lines, hence the documentation are managed for conducting and recording the information collecting to describe steps of changes and take effects. See picture below given as example format of engineering change index which used to recording and indexing engineering change rose due to some internal reasons, the format is provided for education purpose:

Engineering change index format is covered records of each engineering change and its implementation is handled by concern authority for product / process improvement. The records are managed for standard requirements for product where each drawing prepared and amendments are shows, description of drawing and its changes are implemented accordingly management guidelines, each revision and its records are managed in the engineering change index format, the purpose of the format is to conducting engineering changes and indexing as per sequences.
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Engineering change index