Which type of energy audit sustain stability of energy audit and management
Energy audit documents are describing information of audit process of installed electrical appliances and audit of energy sources and consumption.
Energy audit documents are conducted to managing records and information of audit process that conducted in the various locations, areas and workplaces to handling energy audits where electrical appliances are installed, used energy at the places that audit are managed of each energy sources and consumption, the energy consumption areas are identified, monitoring and audit is conducted to manage records of energy concern for improvement of procedures to proper controls over energy used, minimization in consumption at all places & utilization of each resources with fair policy. Energy audit generally concern to electric and power management, but I case the organization having a wide used of energy with steam, coal or any other energy resources that should also needs to manage separate audit of each resources to managing respective used and in manner. Energy audit is maintained as per standards system, government laws and requirements of internal management, generally the energy audit should be carried out at least once in 3 months at the all places where energy used & active consumption areas, so its important for the audit team should communicate with concern department, conducting feedback and managed the audit accordingly.
Energy audit documents are conducted by management, management representative is responsible for managing all processes concern energy audit, arrangement of audit and provide guidelines, instructions and procedures to auditors are conduct audit accordingly. Management representative is also responsible for the identify requirements of energy resources that managed for controls over the process, define controls measurements, deployment system to reduce or fair utilization of energy resources, management representative select qualified auditors, arrange energy audit at places where required as per survey & organization structure, and follow up processes of audit. The documentation are prepared, maintained & reporting to management representative is managed by qualified auditors as audit conducted during audit period, the formats that used in process is energy audit checklist, reports & follow up records, see picture below given as example format of energy audit checklist for education purpose:

Energy audit checklist format is used in energy audit process; in the documentation system energy audit checklist is important where all the energy audit process and its concern records are maintained in energy audit process, the documentation of energy audit are collect by management representative for follow up and further analysis, management representative handle records and discuss with management for improvement of the system, monitoring and controls over procedures for consumption of energy resources. The energy audit checklist is covered some basic electrical used areas and verify the same, see below points are helpful for managing energy audit checklist:
- The general lighting at various places like offices, production areas, street lights at around boards and gangways, internal lighting and general offices areas are needs to focus on lighting hence, all the lighting points are needs to manage accordingly. The audit should be check out plugs points, power packs should be proper utilization, all lighting bulbs, sticks and light sources should be in good working conditions, in case not that can used more power, all lights bulbs should be properly cleaned, that should keep reflectors , and most important lights are not in used should be switched off.. Are general for point out in checklist.
- In each offices of organization are generally used computers and air condition that most of power utilization and possibility of reduction or fair energy used can defects or possibility of deployment so is it important that needs to proper managed, there should ball computers having energy saving facility & used mode of safety, air conditions filters, thermostats, controlling system etc., should be properly maintained, and its maintenance should be conducted according to frequency defined by management.
Both above points are general for offices of organization that other production, quality and other areas where machinery, equipment, boilers etc.., are also used energy resources that depends on production lines and requirements and setup of organization that here not mentioned about it, but on base of energy resources energy audit is conducted and its documentation are maintained, update and action plan for improvement should conducted for fair utilization of energy resources.
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Energy audit checklist