Employee verification process
Employee verification process is conducted to managing individual records and employee previous job performances and job expertise for duties placement.
Employee verification process is conducted by human resources department for verification records and activities are performed by employee in previous job, the process is conducted to verification and managing individual department requirements to reviews previous performance and expertise, experiences and task that conducted during the working period, on base of the previous experience human resources department is recommend for assignment of duties and works to management to deploy employee at place where best performance are noted in previous job, overall is job placement in various department on base of the analysis and verification of the records of whole employee concern. employee verification process is conducting on base of the information are provided by employee & in some cases human resources department communicate with previous employer of employee to verify the record in case any confusion is identified.
Employee verification process is conducted to managing human resources in the various department as per requirements of individual departmental jobs and its assignment, the duties and responsibility assignment is also conducted to verify employee information which is conducted on employee joining, the records and information are verify by human resources to make sure percentage of growth of progress in the previous job and what was employee designation, what was duties and responsibility are handles and how much achievement from previous job its important to managing duties and responsibility for employee.
The process for employee verification are managed by executive of human resources department to conducting basic information from records of employee which is provided by employee on joining the company as well as in interview, the records managed for further analysis and manage in single format for processing verification, in the process of verification individual employee records generally managed are personal information, previous job information where works is conducted at the department, designation of employee, salary information, job description and expertise in any job task that are important part for the verification, see picture below given as example format of employee verification form for education purpose:

Employee verification form is prepared by human resources department, and human resources department is responsible for conducting information from employee and managing its individual records for further analysis. The records are conducted and verified by human resources department and submitted to management for further actions, management is review that records and determine for placement at various debarment as per requirements, duties and responsibility and suitability. The records are managed by human resources accordingly.
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Employee verification form