Employee Training request
Employee training request is application for identified job requirements for improvement in job performance.
Employee training request is process where employee individually given request to human resources or department supervisor for any specific or job concern training to improvement in its job performance, some time department supervisor is given any employee’s training request to human resources as recommendation for individual job performance where more skill required to perform task. When any employee needs to training for any particular subject or task that employee or supervisor can send request to human resources or department head to needs of training for particular subject that human resources conducting application and forward to management if the training possible to provided by outsides sources or any special training which given or not its can determine by management, hence human resources is conform to management for the approval training request, once training request is approved that human resources register the employee for the training at places where training provided.
Employees training manage internally or by outside sources, management decided for the employee training possible at inside that human resources arranged the training to consulting with trainers for specific subjects or training subject is not possible to manage internally that human resources are conducting all the applicable procedures to register employee for outsides sources for employee training and concern processes. In the training request form, employee should be clearly indicate the subject of training and its possibility of training which required from outside or inside that on base of the training request form suggestions are conducted by human resources department. See picture below given example format for training request form which are filled by employee or supervisor and submitted to human resource department or department head:
Employee training registration are conducted by human resources department, as per subjects and specific training requirements all the concern processes are manage by human resource department. In the training request form one think is much important that is training reasons, all the approvals and registration is depends on the reasons given by employee or supervisor for training, on base of reasons the management is approved or reject its request if the reason are not genuine.
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Employee Training request form