Employee training documentation process
Employee training documentation process is established to managing individual / group training documentation to manage records & implementation.
Employee training documentation process is prepared, maintained and update according to internal management system requirements that is improvement of individual person job requirements, skill development to meet job performance and on improvement of internal system, which considers as the new technology in the manufacturing, supporting activity or any other places that needs to develop or acknowledge employee working on it, the employee training documentation are managed by human resources department, and there are mostly two factors that effecting, annual calendar & department internal requirements for particular tasks, regular tasks and on internal changes. The documentation are maintained to planning and scheduling, attending processes, verification and analysis to managing each tasks and requirements for the employee will be conducting, performing at the highest level and improve overall productivity, and the documentation help to determine requirements of each processes are managed for producing materials, maintaining quality of product and other activity to supporting management.
Employee training documentation process is established and update by human resources department on base of internal / department requirements and as per schedule to update internal system, changes and calendar managed by department to update annual basis, but the on department internal requirements are changed that department head is sending request to provide guidelines, training to some selected / group or each employee for any tasks, equipment or machinery updated / modified to conduct their tasks by employee are needs to provide training, the human resources department conducting applications / requests for training and human resources manager is manage / arrange training to fulfill requirements, human resources manager is responsible for manage tasks as required and same for documentation. The documentation is maintained where annual and other training are managed with its reports are maintained, see picture below given as example format of calendar cum report of employees, below picture for education purpose:

The documentation for the employee training and its process is established by human resources department as well as arrangement of the training, communication with faculty and employee for the training, provides training and its verification, effectiveness checking and its arrangement managed by human resources department, the reports are managed for the employee are include that training needs / details for the training where individual employee / group are mentioned for particular subject, planning and scheduling and its methods of verification which describe effectiveness of training as per scheduled. The records are handled; storage and its disposal are managed according to documentation system and retention period mentioned in it.
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Calendar cum report