Employee training documentation – HR formats
Employee training documentation is established & maintains individual employee information concern jobs duties and personal information for recording purpose.
Employee training documentations are established, maintain and updated by human resources department to conducting all the information from employees and preparing individual files of employee where all the employee concern information are stored, job information, duties and responsibility, personal information, payroll information etc., to managing individual information for records. The information are collected when employee join the company & if required to change the information human resources department is conducting format of “employee data change form” and proceed employee data change process to possible changes made. The documentation are used and updated when any training is updated, new established or employee achieved any certification from third party are need to mention in employee training documents. Human resource department for the conducted all the training records are maintained in employee training register where all the training are timely update as and when achieved by employee during the job time. Employee training register is simple register where training details are included for the recording purpose, see picture below given for reference, employee training register for education purpose:

In the employee training register, all training concern details are available for human resource department, so human resource department can verify information and in case any further training required to employee can arrange accordingly, there are also important that some training should needs on frequency, training which required every years to remember all the details which is used in some internal management systems or any other concern. In case any new equipment are installed in the company or new machinery operations / functions are concern with new technology that all concern operators should proper trained for it, and those records of individual operators are collected and updated accordingly. In the employee training register type of training, certificate numbers, if the provided by faculty, date of training, subject of training, frequency of training are fields which needs to prepared and update timely or as and when required.
In the employee training register, human resources needs to clear information about training subjects and type of training for the further actions, some fields are needs to ready for the involve in register for maintain unique register formats and uniformity of subjects. See some example of training subjects / types which can directly used in employee training register:
- OHSAS 18001 / ISO 14001 ( EHS )
- 5S & Housekeeping Training
- Lean Manufacturing Training
- ISO 9001 / TS 16949 Training
- MFCA / 3 R / Waste Management
- Production / Process
- New Technology / Equipment / Machinery
- Leader / Manpower Management
- Product / Material Standards / Specifications
- Computers / IT System Handling
- Regulatory / Statutory / Law / Rule
- Quality Testing / Inspection
- Data Collection / Data Analysis
Employee training register is simple format but its very important document for human resources as well as employee individually, all the training concern information are available with this document that needs to proper maintained by human resource department for compliance of internal management system too.
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