Employee probation evaluation
Employee probation evaluation is appraisal of employee probation period to verify employee activities during probation tenure in the company.
Employee probation evaluation conducted to verification of employee which is appointed for the job on probation period, during probation tenure employee activities, job sincerity, discipline and other factors are considered to evaluate the job time of employee, the probation period is depends on job description, duties and post requirements, human resources department is conducting employee activities during the job time of employee and analysis all the information to ensure the employee is fit for the post, employee probation evaluation is processes through human resource department get the decision for employee is capable to work on such job, employee keep the privacy of the company and understand policy and follow up etc., are major factor which should consider for the employee probation evaluation. When the employee appointed on any post that some time required to proper training or any other reasons company is appoint employee on probationary period, and that period is decided by management on base of the company rules or job post requirements, generally probationary periods are six months, but some cases needs more time, reasons behind the probationary periods are defined or understand as training time for employee and during the training period employee get the salary on base of defined probationary salary, after the regular job employee get the job post accordingly salary.
Human resources department, before regular job assigned to employee needs to proper reviews and evaluate the employee’s verified and apparent on the job performance. At time of appointing employee human resources department confirmed with employee will be on probation period for defined time and after the review of Performance Company get the decision for regular employment. Human resource department is conducting monitoring on employee to first day of the job of employee to collecting information about employee’ activities, supervisor of employee is also contribute in the information which by monitoring employee individually as the part of review of employee job duties and responsibilities to proven, at the end of employee probation human resource department is person discuss with employee and receive feedback on the reviews which is conduced to encourage for improvement. The employee probation evaluation is conducted in format which is prepared by human resource department for evaluation purpose, there are overall evaluation required factors are merged to taking in to consideration the most important factors of job, the format which used for recording information is employee probation form or probation evaluation form for employee, see picture below given format for reference and its can used directly at company, here we given format for education purpose:

Employee probation form is used to document appropriateness of a new appointed employee for sustained employment by reviews and appraisal of job duties and activities which directly effects one employee’s probation and job. The format which is prepared by human resources but supervisors and manager of employee can conducted the reviews and appraisal procedures, when its is completed all the concern subjects and reviews, supervisor / manager is submit this format to human resources department for further process, on base of the information human resources department is recommend to management for the further extenuations or termination of employee after probation period, if the supervisor / manager is dissatisfaction with employee during the period of probation that possible to termination of employee.
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