Employee / personal records or history

Employee / personal records or history


Employee / personal records or history documents are maintained for maintaining information of individual progress and training of employee.


Employee / personal records or history document is prepared by human resources department where all the employee concern information, individual details are mentioned, maintained and update as per individual progress concern, the document is established when any employee join the company that personal history document is established by human resource department and in the document during job time any training, program, progress or any other event details are mentioned in history records. In the history records, individual whole records are maintained, each training given by company to employee, any event which is participated by employee and its records and any program or progress details also conducted in history records. Generally all the update are concerning to training and programs that employee had participated. In the employee records employee’s individual details likes date of joint in company, education and qualifications, professional qualification and experience of job are main and general requirements of document.


Employee records / personal history sheet is established, maintain and updated by human resources department and human resources department is responsible for conducting information from various events, schedules and records that comes from various programs in the company, the document is important part of the human resources and also for standard system. As per international standards management minimum training and awareness programs are needs to comply requirements of standard that each document and records are helpful for evidence. The document prepared and maintained by human resources department is employee records sheet, see picture below given as example format of employee record sheet for education purpose:


Employee record sheet
Employee record sheet


Employee record sheet is complete history records where all the details are maintained, the document handled and storage with human resources department and its disposal are conducted as per standards retention period.



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Employee record sheet



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