Employee motivation documentation
Employee motivation documentation is established to recording process of employee motivation procedures, planning & distribution process.
Employee motivation documentation is established by human resources department for conducting information, recording motivation planning, motivation distribution to employee and its concern procedure is handled in documents, the process is conducted for the motivate to employee for improvement individual productivity of employee and motivate to improve skill for particular process or activity, when any employee is nominated for rewards that management is decided to planning for provides any amount or any thing that employee motivate.
Employee motivation is the process that conducted by human resources department, for the motivate employee to conducted regular task that possible improved and skilled to overall productivity enhance, when management is identify any employee with good skill and performance during working period that management determine to motivate employee for more productive works in workplace. For the employee motivation, management is planning for give any package on any targeted achievement, when any employee reach there management also given the motivation package to employee. Human resources department managing each employee rewards and details in format / record that maintained and update as per requirements, the record used for the maintain information is employee motivation record, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:

Employee motivation records are maintained and updated by human resources department and human resources department is also responsible for managing planning document for employee motivation packages, reward record and nomination of employee are managed during the month / year for conducting each document for record purpose. The records are maintained as per standard procedures.
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Employee Motivation Record