Employee monthly training schedule document
Employee monthly training schedule document is established for arrangement of monthly training for employee as per training programs and requirements.
Employee monthly training schedule document is prepared by human resources department for arrangement of the training programs as per requirements, managing employee training as per departments and operational requirements, and as per system change, amendments or enhancement. The purpose of monthly training planning documentation for the record information of schedule which is prepared for the monthly planning of each department’s personnel where departmental managers are given information for training, inputs from annual calendars, management inputs for the new development and system requirements are conducted in the monthly training schedule. Human resources are already prepared annual calendar for managing each training requirements for annual basic, but some training that needs during the monthly which are raised during the changes in management, new machinery, equipment are installations or any other requirements that immediate training required that human resources are prepared monthly training schedule for arrangement of training as per management instructions.
Employee monthly training schedule documents are established by human resources department and also responsible for arrangement of the schedules, planning of facility, communication with each employee and faculty for the training as per schedule prepared. The schedule prepared for conducting employee required training, and other concern information maintained in employee monthly training schedule sheet, see picture below given as example format of employee training schedule sheet for education purpose:

Employee monthly training schedule sheet is format which is used as per inputs from various department head, supervisors, managements and annual training calendar which is regular training. Management representative, department head are acknowledge to human resources for requirements of training for the particular employees or departments as per requirements, when any machinery, equipment or major change happened in the system, human resources department prepared monthly training schedule sheet to covered all the training requirements, arrangement of facilities, communication with employee and faculties to complete the task. The records are maintained, update and storage as per standard system.
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Employee monthly training schedule sheet