Employee monthly overtime worksheet
Employee monthly overtime worksheet is document is prepared for recording information of individual employee working hours & extra paid time in sheet.
Employee monthly overtime worksheet is prepared by human resources department and used to collecting daily information of employee to managing day to day working hours and individual employee working extra time which is considered as overtime, overtime hours should paid as extra salary to employee that needs to recorded information sheet to calculate payable amount on end of the monthly to paid employee as per worksheet maintained and update during monthly. The document is prepared for each employee who is frequently provides works and paying extra time to employee, generally in the company employee overtime records are not maintained for each employee but who are payroll and frequently paying time to company on after duty time that human resources are maintained separate file / records for individual employee recording and calculate timing on end of the month.
Employee monthly overtime records is established and maintained by human resources department, human resources department is responsible to managing and update information concern working hours and overtime of monthly of employee, the information is very important for employee and human resources department which is used for employee salary and calculation are considering as advantage of employee individual rating. When any employee paying extra time to company works that management are also considering extra time for annual improvement and increment for motivation and improvement interest in works. Human resource department is prepared employee overtime monthly records and maintained individual, see picture below given as example format of employee overtime monthly records for education purpose:

Employee overtime monthly records are maintained and conducted with all the reasons that employee taken overtime and task which is being pending during working hours, human resources department is responsible for collecting information from department, department head / supervisor is responsible to validate overtime & provide legit reasons to allowed overtime to employee to conducting any particular task. Human resource department is responsible to identify causes or the overtime & reliability of working management of department’s employees. Employee overtime monthly records are storage at human resources office, and records are hold as per standard retention time period, disposal of records are conducted as per time framed.
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Employee Overtime Monthly Record