Employee health Verification audit process
Employee health verification audit is established to ensure employee health requirements and system is maintained as per standards and government law.
Employee health verification audit is established to ensure that employee health in the company is verified by authority and necessary actions are taken inline with requirements. The system should be needs verify the employee heath concern information, requirements and standards are maintained to improvement of the system and verification, monitoring, and implementation are conducted by management as per standard requirements and as per government law. The system for the internal audit i.e. employee health verification audit is conducted to managing all the information, records and individual verification of the employee health concern information verification, steps from the management for the improvement of employee health, requirements of the modification of the process which is directly or indirectly affecting employee health, basic requirements which determine employee health, individual physical checking and reporting for the employee health during the working time etc.. information are conducting during the audit process and verify the requirements, non-conformity and improvement requirements are managed by audit team.
Employee health verification audit process is established by management representative for conducting audit in human resources department to verify actions, processes and other requirements concern employee health, and management representative is responsible for managing those procedures and guidelines to human resources department, management representative select the qualified auditors as per standards requirements of auditors and also responsible for provides guidelines to conduct employee health verification audit in human resources department. Auditors are responsible for conducting employee health verification process in human resources department and identify system requirement, identification of non-conformity as per standards and also suggest for improvement of system in the department. Human resources department is responsible for conducting all the requirement for employee health and concern requirements, conducting audit and provides information, and collect all non-conformance identified are manage and complied inline with. For managing all the audit processes, documentation and communication, audit team is prepared checklist for employee health verification audit checklist, see picture below given as example format for employee health verification checklist for education purpose:

Employee health verification checklist is set for conducting audit and in the checklist all the information are managed in it, audit team is all required points are mentioned. See some points which are used in the employee health verification checklist:
- Is there employee health condition is verified as per frequency? What frequency is mentioned in company standards?
- Is there personal hygiene records / documents are maintained? Check physical at the rooms / working places is there hygiene requirements are maintained?
- Is there each employee is aware of the health concern? Is there training records are available?
- Is there first-aid box is available with each department? And it’s easily accessible? And all the concern peoples are trained for first-aid box? Is there responsibility is assigned for conducting first-aid as and when required?
- Is there doctors / physicians are appointed for medical checkup of each employee of company? How the employee priority for checking?
- Is there medical checkup register / records are maintained? is there high risk areas are maintained and provided priority for checkup and special requirements of checkups are maintained?
As above, some basic required points are given for the establish audit for employee health verification audit processes, audit team is conducting those points and verify individual for identify system requirements and non-conformity for system improvement. Those identified non-conformity are conducted by human resources and individual point is considered for improvement, to determine action plan in line with standard requirements.
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Employee health verification checklist
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