Employee headcount
Employee headcount process is established to managing records to collecting presents of employee available in workplaces as planned.
Employee headcount process prepared, maintained for managing records to collecting information from various department, locations and areas where manpower deployed to conducing various processes to engaged for manufacturing and supporting processes, the records are managed to calculating presents of employee at location and workplaces to manage and proceeding requirements of manufacturing processes as per planned. Employee headcount process is conducted by concern manager, department supervisors and human resources department to verification of gate registers for all managers, supervisors and office admin staff, to recording daily employee headcount and reporting to management for planning and schedule requirements and resources management that needs, the management determine purchase requirements, and resources that dedicated to each department are enhance to reviews employee headcount reports provides by human resources on daily basis. Employee headcount documents are managed for the managing and identify daily requirements of manpower for producing materials at various processes at manufacturing unit.
Employee headcount processes and its concern documentation are established and maintained by human resources that directly concern with the departments and inter communications, calculating and verification processes are conducted by human resources to provide reports to management for further requirements and action for improvement. The human resources department is prepared formats and conducted activity that considered and managing as standard format to collecting information from various department about availability of employee in workplace, the records are maintained in format is employee headcount report, see picture below given example picture for education purpose:

Employee headcount report format is used for collecting information from various department and locations, managing and tracking employee availability and managing records, and provide reporting to management for conducting concern requirements, planning for further processes and deployment of resources for manufacturing and supporting process locations. The management team and production planning team is conducing daily employee headcount report for the understanding of availability and next planning to manage production as customer orders and requirements of internal departments. The documentation are maintained by human resources department and human resources department head is responsible for each activity concern manpower management, and also assign duties to executive for particular tasks that manage works inter department. The records are maintained, storage and disposal are conducted as per standards system.
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Employee headcount report