Employee facility audit process and documentation
Employee facility audit process is established to ensure company is providing facility to employee is sufficient to health and safety requirements concern.
Employee facility audit process is established by health and safety department to conducting audit / inspection of company provided facility which used by company employee, the motive of audit is to ensure the provided facilities are sufficient and complied requirements of health and safety. The system is deployed under requirements of health and safety of employee, the standard requirements are also recommended to conducting employee facility inspection on as frequency and government laws are also needs to comply about employee health and safety concern. In employee facility audit, all the facilities are provided by company management, requirements to concern health and safety of employee & resources which are in used of facilities are verified, inspected and identify non-conformity in the facility.
Employee facility audit process is established and managed by health and safety representative / management representative, and responsible to preparation of health and safety, employee facility audit procedures, maintained and update the process. Management representative is also responsible for selection of qualified auditor who are conducting employee facility audit and identify non-conformance in resources management facilities. The system is deployed for the identification of non-conformance in the system where all the employees are directly affected in case any hazard is identified. For the conducting employee facility audit, audit team is prepared employee facility reports and employee facility checklist to conducting audit and during the audit checklist is used for managing records are collected from facility. See picture below given as example format for employee facility checklist for education purpose:

Employee facility checklist is prepared by qualified auditors to conducting employee facility provided by company; all the resources are verified and inspected to identify non-compliance in the system. For the conducting audit, audit team is prepared checklist where all the concern points are involved to reduce time during audit and needs to just verify at time of audit. See some points given as below which are used for checklist during audit:
- Is there company toilet room / wash room used by employee is properly cleaned and cleaning records are maintained? What is the frequency of cleaning both rooms?
- Whether in wash room wash liquid soap, power and hand cleaning papers are available?
- Is there in toilet room, proper ventilation is provided? Is there toilet design is proper ventilated?
- Whether hand dryer is provided in hygiene block?
- Whether hygiene block has non-hand operated sinks, liquid soap dispenser? And hygiene blocks are properly sanitation setup provided?
- Is there Do’s / don’t symbol, labels are deployed areas where required?
- Whether signboard direct the employee to wash and sanitize their hand is available?
Employee facility audit checklist are submitted to management representative and human resource department, human resources department is audittee for the employee facility audit and human resource department is responsible for facing audit and provides needs identified during audit, all non-conformance are identified during audit are conducted by human resource department and determine action plan to comply requirements raised or needs as per standard requirements.
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Employee facility checklist