Employee break relief system
Employee break relief system is established to managing individual employee break relief during working time, the system deployed to monitoring and control break relief system.
Employee break relief system is established in manufacturing unit at production lines where generally deployed for machine and equipment operators, the system established to managing individual employee / operators’ break relief during operations at workplace, during working time employee needs some breaks to continue works and concentrate without by refreshing. The process system is managed individual employee monitoring and controls on break relief to analyze time frame and manage current operations. In the employee break relief system is established and maintained documentation, in the documentation individual role and responsibilities is defined for conducting activity and maintain system.
The system is deployed to monitoring and controls over the activities of employee break relief that should be consider some basics that needs to employee needs to complied, like employee should be paid sufficient time period to company that more that one year or as per company terms, because the some facilities are provides on base of the employee seniority, hence supervisors and managers are monitoring actively on events, or as responsibility are assigned. There are also some important points that considered mean during the breaks not should be hurt quality of product or product disturb during the period, and those responsibility of supervisor / manager to manage breaks of employee at least substitutes are available on spot. The human resources department is responsible to provides information about employee should to record as any disciplinary violation or any other issues can exceed records of conversation. For the conducting whole process, management is prepared the schedule sheet for employees / operators that is employee break relief schedule sheet, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:

The responsibility of each system part is defined by manager that will shift wise and supervisor and concern in charges are handling the process. Employee Break relief schedule sheet is prepared by manager and supervisors and concern department managers are contributing as production planning and machinery engagement. The employee break relief schedule sheet through whole activities are conducted and employee are benefit as per scheduled. The system is for employee relaxation and some time for fresh employee to back the work with new energy. The documentation is conducted by supervisor monthly basic, once the month ending all the documents are submitted to general manager for further analysis.
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Employee Break relief Schedule sheet