Employee Attendance justification report
Employee attendance justification report is document which used on employee attendance justification on absence or coming delay on job.
Employee attendance justification report is established for individual employee attendance justification, in case any employee is delay on job or absent that concern manager is conducting employee attendance justification to analysis reasons behind delay on job or absent from job, the document is kind of root cause analysis or reason analysis where employee’s individual attendance justification is conducted. The document of employee attendance justification is prepared by human resources department for individual employee document are filled on event occurrence, concern manager is collect format from human resources department and filled for employee who is absence or delay coming on job, employee is given its own reasons and explanation on absence or delay. To considering employee history records, supervisor / manager is conducting format and given statement for employee delay or absence where justify occurrence.
The document of employee attendance justification is provided by human resources and returned on fill up information by concern supervisor / manager for employee behavior, human resources department are consider the statements and submit to management for proper justification for employee, the format is prepared by human resources department and used by concern department’s supervisor / manager on any attendance / absence needs to justifications. See picture below given as example format of employee attendance justification for education purpose:

The document is important for employee and concern management which can change or negative impacts of employee against management, when human resources department is submit the report against management, management is considering both the parties’ statements and determine necessary actions to employee avoid such event can down reputation against management and punctually and be responsible for job duties and respective for time management of company.
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Employee Attendance justification