Employee annual motivation planning process is conduct to managing annual motivation plan for each employee of organization.
Employee annual motivation planning process or procedure is conduct by human resources department to managing employee individual as well as group motivation. The employee general requirements, specific requirements to needs to manage internal tasks. That directly concern with organization that needs to provides such attraction to employee get motivate for improve. Its self to achieve target as organization promise to provide something against improvement and achievement of target.
The employee motivation is also needs to manage for effectively implement company policy, terms and discipline in organization. To each employee are respect and manner to concern company terms and condition. The employee motivation concern discipline needs to frequency monitoring on activity and visual verification. To ensure that employee is understand discipline rule define by company and strictly follow as appropriate locations & regular tasks.
General Process
The motivation of each employee are manage on annual basic. The records for each employee are manage by human resources department to use for further transition & records for initial use. Employee motivation planning manage by human resources to discussion with management team. In the motivation cash reward, award, bonus, certification of employee of the year etc. The general and most effective to employee motivate to provides its best in each tasks to achievement of any award declare by company.
Employee annual motivation planning are manage annual basis and on end of the year all the nominate employee are award as inputs are comes from supervisors. As well management team, managers and human resources team that frequently monitoring on each employee behavior, works, discipline etc.
The parameters that define for capable to achieve award, the motivation of any kind of award are making positive impression on employee that needs to considerable on all employee. The general management are allocate many types of award to cover all type of employee and all levels of management pyramid.
The Documentation
The system is define to provides equal opportunity for all employee to judge deserve employee to get reward. the documentation for recording all information, frequently monitoring during year by human resources department and its concern planning records are manage by human resources department. See picture below given as example format of employee annual motivation planning format for education purpose:

Annual motivation plan format
The annual motivation plan format is prepare by human resources department, and human resources department manager is responsible for managing all task concern annual motivation. The documentation and its concern process are manage, monitoring on each activity through define procedure.
To apply in system to all concern peoples are follow and sustain its tasks that help to identify right candidate for motivation award, or any other type of motivation are manage. The planning for annual motivation is depends on employee, some company are motivate through some foods or cash on daily basic for its good works. But its all depends on the process and internal management system.
Generally motivation plan are manage by two ways, motivate all employee to given some cash or any other thing. And secondly identity best candidates for reward to remain employee are provides. Its best to achieve possible targets. The annual motivation plan are manage to considering internal system, product, shift and regular tasks that conduct in regular processes.
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Annual motivation plan