Elevator inspection check point

Elevator inspection check point

Elevator inspection check point

  1. Is there general condition of elevator acceptable?

  2. Whether motors properly protected from dirt and steam?

  3. Is there loss wires are found? Electrical wiring is properly at place with insulation taps?

  4. Is there fire extinguisher is available? Is there deployed fire extinguisher is correct type?

  5. Whether protection for electrical control panels?

  6. Hoist way interlocks operating and protected? Is there any unsafe observed?

  7. All electrical wire connection is properly installed with wall?

  8. Whether safety load / capacity of elevator is marked? Clearly visible? Operators know it?

  9. Whether emergency exit is provided? How user open emergency exit? Any sign board available?

  10. When previously elevator is inspected?

  11. Any unsafe work practices observed?




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