Electric motors documentation for electrical maintenance
Electrical motors documentation is established for records motor information, tracking motor performance and electrical maintenance activities.
In manufacturing units are used electrical motors for the various purposes for different and different types of motors at various locations to conducting works for manufacturing processes and supporting processes, electrical motors and its performance, maintenance and documentation for the recording information, conducting schedules of repairing, services and maintenance activities by electrical maintenance department. There are also important to aware the electrical maintenance department about potential hazards with electrical motors, identifications and controls over hazards associated electrical motors. For the conducting safety requirements with electrical motors, maintenance engineers, supporting team must be informed of potential electrical hazards before conducting works with electrical motors being with permit to do works for conduct electrical equipment where electrical motor maintenance activities is going to conduct or any other works are planned.
Electrical motors records establishment, maintain and update responsibility of electrical department, documentation of motors is obliging for each electrical maintenance engineer who is performing in floor level, conducting each motor’ detailed information, capacity and other concern information through electrical engineer is conduct task to perform any requirements appropriately. Electrical department is conducting records by field survey at each department and equipment to recording electrical motor details, the details are separately records in single format is electrical motor data sheet, the documents is covered all motor are installed in equipment, pumps, machine etc. see picture below of electrical motor data sheet for reference:

Electrical motor data sheet is helpful for all activities concern to electrical motor maintenance activities, some important requirements of electrical motors maintenance activities are depends on electrical motor data sheet, see some basic activities that helps by electrical motor data sheet document format:
Generally all electrical appliances & equipment are working frequency that need to maintenance for maintain its capacity and productivity for improvement manufacturing of product. Activities of maintenance are conducted as preventive maintenance of each electrical part which is serve at working floor, for the conducting systematical preventive maintenance required proper planning for conducting maintenance task, planning of maintenance preparing schedule for each equipment, when electrical motor schedule is needs to prepare electrical motor data sheet is most important for planning, on base of electrical motor data sheet whole electrical motor preventive maintenance schedule is prepared and same is conducted by electrical engineers. Basic information is viable to conduct any activity to successful conducting any maintenance task.
Installation reference
When manufacturing unit is expecting expansion of unit that new machinery, equipments & supporting system where electrical motors are needs to installed for managing activities of manufacturing, electrical motor data sheet is base informative reference where electrical motors are already installed, on experience of previous installed electrical motors and its performance is helpful for new installation in manufacturing locations, and those information not just helps to establishment but also to conducting handling and maintenance activities, so the document is helpful on stage of new installations and perfect reference is provided.
Tracking & Assessment
Electrical motor data sheet is used for tracking each motors as records are maintained, required tracking of electrical motor for preventive maintenance, cleaning lubrication inspection tightening processes, performance recording and other requirements are major reasons to checkout each motors as per electrical motor data sheet is established. The audit of electrical department is conducted by government rules and internal management system standards that its appraisal is also conducted on requirements and prepared schedules for various purposes. Audits of government and system standards’ schedules are also important at its place that assessment processes is also important for electrical motors and all planning are conducted on base of reference taken from electrical motor data sheet.
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