Eight principles of management | Quality | Business | Team


Eight principles of management that improve the performance of Quality Management, Business Management & Team Management for organization.

Eight principles of General management are:

  1. Customer Focused
  2. Leadership
  3. Involvement of people
  4. Process approach
  5. System approach to management
  6. Continual improvement
  7. Factual approach to decision making
  8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationship

The management principles individually may be described as:


  • Understand current and future (Explicit & implicit) customer needs.
  • Plan means to meet these needs.
  • Measure customer satisfaction.
  • Demonstrate continually improved satisfaction.


  • Establish VISION, provide DIRECTION and SHARE VALUES.
  • Implement STRATEGIES to achieve these targets.
  • Coach, facilitate and empower people across the organization.


  • Create ownership of departmental goals and organizational policy.
  • Use knowledge and experience in operational decision.
  • Train for involvement in process improvement.


  • You have to identify SCOPE of a set of business activity.
  • Identify (Internal/External) supplier/inputs.
  • Internal and external,  customers & outputs require to identify.
  • Identify RESOURCES required to carry out the process.
  • OPTIMIZE input-output relationship.


  • Establish inter link of processed starting from identification of customer needs to delivery of final product/post delivery till use of product.
  • Alight the process with departmental goals and organization policy.
  • Measure results against key objectives.


  • Measurement parameters.
  • Analysis of performance.
  • Monitor continual improvements.
  • Provide Opportunities, tools & encouragement to contribute to continual improvements.


  • Identify activities, which will provide data
  • Set mechanism for analyzing data.
  • Analyze information W.R.T. PLANNED GOALS.
  • Eliminate non-value addition activities (e.g. reduce rework, improve machine efficiency, reduce wastage, reduce inventory, reduce process cycle times etc)
  • Identify the PROCESSES which need to be looked into along with the MEASURE OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.


  • Build relationship with suppliers for their PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPMENT of product, processes or system.


Eight principles of Quality management are:




The first principle of total quality management is customer-centric. In today’s economy, any organization depends on its customers. By meeting or exceeding the needs of its customers, an organization or business gains the motivation and source to continue to survive. Total quality management is customer-centric, and continuous quality improvement is carried out through the PDCA cycle to meet customer needs.


Second, The role of leadership


The second principle of total quality management is the role of leadership. An enterprise from the general manager level to the employee level must participate in the quality management activities, among which, the most important thing is that the decision-making level of the enterprise must pay enough attention to quality management.

In “Quality Management Law”, it is stipulated that the quality department must be directly led by the general manager. This brings together all employees and resources in the organization


Full participation


The third principle of total quality management is to emphasize full participation. In the 70s, Japan’s QC groups reached 70,1500, and so far, ‘s registered QC groups have exceeded 2500 million, and the activities of these QC groups bring more than <> billion Dollars to every year.

Therefore, full participation is the core of the idea of total quality management.


Fourth, the process method


The fourth principle of total quality management is the process approach, that is, the related resources and activities involved in total quality management must be managed as a process. The PDCA cycle is actually used to study a process, so we must focus our attention on the whole process of product production and quality management.


System management


The fifth principle of total quality management is system management. When we carry out a quality improvement activity, we first need to develop, identify and define objectives, understand and unify a system of interrelated processes. Since product production is not only a matter for the production department, it is necessary for all departments of our organization to participate in this activity in order to meet the needs of customers to the greatest extent.


Continuous improvement


The sixth principle of Total Quality Management is continuous improvement. In fact, it’s not difficult to just do one thing right, but it’s not easy to get a simple thing right thousands of times. Therefore, continuous improvement is the core idea of total quality management, and the application of statistical technology and computer technology is to better do a good job in continuous improvement.


Be fact-based


Effective decision-making is based on logical and intuitive analysis of data and information, therefore, as the most scientific quality management so far, total quality management must also be based on facts, deviating from the fact basis then there is no meaning, which is the seventh principle of total quality management.


Mutually beneficial supplier relationship


The Eight principles of management ( total quality management) is the mutually beneficial supplier relationship, and maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship between the organization and the supplier side can enhance the ability of the two organizations to create value, thereby providing a basis for further cooperation between the two parties for greater common interests. Therefore, total quality management has actually penetrated into the management of suppliers.


Eight principles of business management


Enterprises are inseparable from management, just as fish cannot be separated from water. Management is inseparable from talent, just as babies are inseparable from milk. Without talent, the prospects of enterprises that do not understand management are absolutely worrying. The prosperity of a business is definitely the result of a high level of management. The decay and failure of a company is definitely the result of poor management.

Some may think that this is not possible, but it is what it is, and there is no room for doubt and doubt. Because the management is very broad, almost everything. Because they are not proficient in management and do not know how to manage.

Management not only has management theory, but also management philosophy, but also management technology and management tools. Now I have combined the management knowledge I have learned and put forward the basic principles of management.

There are practical types of management, and there are also flower fist embroidery foot types. In fact, management is regular, and there are some commonalities. The basic principles of management are the summary of some regularities of management. Everything is always changing. Different means to the same end. Everything has its origin, and the basic principles of management are also equivalent to its origin.


First, the principle of people-oriented.

In addition to offices, factories, equipment, etc., the most important thing in an enterprise is people. People are the deciding factor in the business. Even if the enterprise uses robots as employees, people are needed to operate and maintain, or do they need to program and command robot operations, or do they need people to manage robot factories. What about companies that are human employees? The foundation of people-oriented is to take talents as the core.

Talent is the key to competition. If enterprises want to survive and develop, they leave talents, which is an empty phrase. Companies without talent will definitely not be able to compete with other companies. Talent is the source of innovation, enterprises research and development of new products, invention and creation are made by talents. Without talent, there can be no innovation. Moreover, if there are no talents to manage enterprises and run enterprises, how can enterprises survive?


Second, the principle of efficiency and effectiveness.


What is the purpose of management? The most basic purpose of management is to improve efficiency and effectiveness. There is no efficiency and effect, or low efficiency and effect, and they are ashamed to understand management, they are simply hanging sheep’s heads, but selling dog meat.

Without efficiency and effectiveness, the essence of management is to go through the form and engage in flowery shelves. Management pays attention to the substantive results, this essence is efficiency and effect, and the improvement of efficiency can reduce the production cost of the enterprise and increase the output volume. The improvement of the effect can achieve the expected purpose.

Efficiency is the speed and process of doing things, and the effect is the result of doing things. High efficiency is doing things right, and good results are doing the right things. Doing things fast is efficiency, and doing things well is effectiveness. As an enterprise manager, one thing to keep in mind is to make efficiency and effect, which is the real management effectiveness.


Third, it is the principle that quality is heaven.

Quality is the life of a product. Counterfeit and shoddy products not only harm consumers, but also hurt the entire nation’s enterprises. It is not only customers who are harmed, but also society. There are many companies that have closed down due to production quality problems, the most typical of which is Sanlu Enterprise, which closed down because milk powder was rich in melamine.

The good quality of enterprise products is formed because the enterprise management attaches great importance to and combines modern quality management methods. The quality of enterprise products is not good, mainly due to insufficient attention and neglect of management by the leadership. Enterprises with excellent product quality can not only form a famous brand, but also have good reputation, often long-lived enterprises.

Enterprises with poor product quality, even if they spend money on overwhelming advertising, after forming a brand, but as long as consumers buy and find that the quality is defective, they will vote no confidence, and when many consumers are deceived, they will boycott the company’s products, and the company will pay a painful price or even go bankrupt.

Some enterprises just began to pay attention to product quality issues, and when the enterprise developed to a certain scale and became a well-known enterprise, they ignored product quality problems, and finally lost the hard-earned market share in the market competition. If you value and cherish the quality of products, just as you value and cherish your own life, then the enterprise is not far from prosperity. Without quality, there is no market.


Fourth, the principle of combining management philosophy and management technology.

Management philosophy can be understood in nature and can be elevated to the level of theory and philosophy. Management technology is a combination of management tools, management skills, management experience, and modern high technology.


The principle of emphasizing innovation and science and technology.

Innovation is the process of new inventions, new thinking, and new descriptions of a concept. There are three ways to innovate, one way is to update, that is, to upgrade and add new functions to the original product. The second way is to create something new, something that was not available before, and now create a new product that has no replacement.

Three ways is to change. It is to change on the basis of other people’s products, change the appearance, structure, use, function, etc. Or imitate other people’s products and improve on the basis. Or change it on your own product. The purpose of innovation is to improve technology.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and innovation is the creation of new productive forces. Every progress of the enterprise is the basis of innovation, accompanied by the progress of science and technology. Innovation drives the progress of science and technology.

Every time the enterprise advances in science and technology, in fact, it also makes the enterprise have a leap forward. Combining innovation and technology, it will have core competitiveness that other enterprises cannot surpass.


The principle of attaching equal importance to profit and social responsibility.

The purpose of starting a business is nothing more than the pursuit of profit maximization. But enterprises are inseparable from society, the market, and consumers. Consumer preferences and choices determine their preference and loyalty to a business. Enterprises that only care about their own profits will develop by any means, sometimes produce fake and shoddy products, sometimes harm the interests of consumers, sometimes violate national laws and regulations, and even worse, pollute and destroy the living environment of people.

Such enterprises are the object of consumer criticism, and sooner or later they will be spurned by customers and eliminated by the market. Companies that care not only about profits, but also increase and protect social welfare are socially responsible enterprises.

This kind of enterprise can win the hearts of stakeholders and the loyalty of customers. If the enterprise loves the society, the society will love the enterprise; Enterprises love the people, and the people will love the enterprise; Enterprises love customers, and customers will love enterprises even more. This love is a social responsibility. Love is exchanged equally, and as much as you give, you can get in return.


The principle of mobilizing the maximum enthusiasm of employees.

Automatic, conscious, and spontaneous completion of work tasks is motivation and initiative. When employees are motivated, they can produce high-quality products and increase productivity. To achieve the efficiency and effect expected by the enterprise, this is why it is necessary to motivate employees. Employees are passive and slack, the work is not done well, it will be inefficient and ineffective, which is equivalent to the enterprise raising a group of lazy people. It wastes both production costs and labor costs.

The key to management is to maximize the enthusiasm of employees. After the employees are positive, the enterprise managers should worry less and pay more attention, not only innovation and results, but also the enthusiasm of employees, will produce more high-quality products, not only save production costs, but also save labor costs, but also reduce time costs. If the enthusiasm of employees cannot be mobilized to the maximum, it can be said that the management implemented by managers is a failure, and vice versa, it is a success.


The principle that enterprise products meet customer needs.

The products and services produced by enterprises are nothing more than for customers to buy and consume, so that enterprises can make profits from them. Without customers buying the company’s products and services, the company loses its meaning. Customers have consumption preferences and product needs.

The products produced and the services provided by the enterprise will be willing to pay for the taste of consumers. If the taste is not right, then the customer will choose the products and services produced by other companies. In order to allow customers to purchase the products and services provided by the enterprise, then the enterprise is required to discover and tap the consumption needs of customers, so that the needs of customers can be satisfied, so as to maximize customer satisfaction. Customer needs are satisfied, customer satisfaction is maximized, customers will make repeat purchases, and increase customer loyalty to the enterprise.



Eight principles of team management


First, Eight principles of management is management cognition


  1. Frequently self-reflect and examine whether the people, times, places, and things within the jurisdiction have wasted resources or used them ineffectively.
  2. Don’t complain about the work in front of subordinates, count the boss and the company wrong.
  3. When accepting tasks from your superior, never say “impossible” or “impossible” before trying to carry them out.
  4. Find out one thing that needs to be broken through and innovated every day, and use your brain to think about whether there is a way to improve innovation.
  5. When the work is not successfully completed, the boss should be able to shoulder all the responsibilities, and not count the subordinates in front of the boss.
  6. Before doing anything, take some time to think about whether the goal and direction are correct.
  7. Find out which principles and principles are inviolable in the scope of personal management.


Principles of organizational management


  1. Unless there are special circumstances, the matter to be explained is only to the direct subordinate subordinate to the next level, and not to command across levels.
  2. Do not direct the employees of other parallel units unless there is a consensus in advance or in case of emergency.
  3. When accepting the cross-level command of the superior, it must be reported to the direct supervisor in time to let him understand the situation.
  4. When assigning employees to work or task assignment, he can spend more time to communicate, understand his ideas about work, let him understand the importance and significance of work, and find ways to arouse his inner willingness to execute.
  5. When explaining the work of subordinates, try to think about how to give him more space to play.
  6. When giving instructions, focus on the completion of the goal, and do not need too many restrictions on the process.


Planning and implementation


  1. Before doing things, you must think about it, make a proper plan, and never act rashly.
  2. In the planning stage, we should refer to the opinions of others, borrow the experience and wisdom of others, and do the necessary coordination work.
  3. Before working, you must clearly set or confirm the goal and grasp the correct direction.
  4. When making a plan, it is necessary to collect relevant facts and information from people, things, time, things and places, and analyze and judge them in detail as a reference for the plan.
  5. Do not judge things based solely on intuition, but seek truth from facts in the spirit of science.
  6. Try your best to let your subordinates understand the situation and share information with everyone, and do not have the concept of “just tell you to do it anyway”.


Fourth, control and problem mastery


  1. At the stage of work planning, it is necessary to first think about possible situations and formulate corresponding measures in advance.
  2. When asking a question, be able to clearly indicate its “goals,” “current status,” and the impact of the gaps.
  3. When solving problems, we must objectively find out the cause, and cannot be judged by subjective intuition.
  4. Identify an item that needs improvement every day and think about how it would be better.
  5. When subordinates carry out work, observe them from the sidelines, and give necessary guidance and corrections when there are deviations.
  6. Encourage employees to cultivate observation, ask questions, and guide specific constructive suggestions.


Subordinate cultivation and teaching


  1. When receiving Off.J.T (offjobtime) training, the employee should be able to fully support him, help him remove the obstacles of time and work, and make him concentrate on training.
  2. It is necessary to fully understand the knowledge, skills and attitude conditions that various positions in the department should have, and set up a Job Description.
  3. Before the new employee registers, he must do his “New Employee Training Schedule”.
  4. General work, when the subordinate does not do as well as me, don’t rush to do it yourself, you can still have a certain opportunity to learn.
  5. When an employee asks a question, don’t rush to answer him, but listen to his opinion first and let him think first.
  6. Grasp the opportunity and teach the work to the subordinates anytime and anywhere, such as: when the meeting is held, when the subordinate reports, when the subordinate makes a mistake, when the work is delivered… Wait a minute.


Communication and coordination


  1. Take the initiative to chat with subordinates, don’t just passively wait for subordinates to come and talk to me.
  2. When you hear that others have different opinions than me, you can calmly listen to what he has to say, and you must restrain your self-defensive impulses.
  3. When you encounter others who have never understood what you mean, you can first reflect on whether there is a problem with your own communication style, without first blaming the other party.
  4. In formal occasions such as meetings or classes, it is best to turn your hands on the machine to create a good communication environment.
  5. When communicating with others, be able to look at each other intently, listen to each other’s words, and understand with your heart, without looking left and right, and have distractions.
  6. When coordinating with others, avoid having preconceived negative thoughts about others.
  7. When coordinating with other departments or colleagues, be able to maintain an objective understanding attitude, and use more positive words in words.


Master the management of human nature


  1. Don’t just expect the company to motivate employees through the system, always think about what I can do myself.
  2. Be able to understand each employee more and grasp his background, personality, habits, needs, attitude, advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Develop the habit of saying a few good words every day, such as “hard work”, “thank you”, “well done”, etc.
  4. Not only praise employees, but also give necessary blame when employees are wrong.
  5. When the employee himself is sick, he can unplug the phone to give care, and if there is a wedding and funeral celebration at the employee’s home, participate as much as possible.
  6. Employees must be able to do everything themselves, and start from themselves.


Leadership play


  1. Strengthen one’s humanistic qualities and cultivate some legitimate interests and hobbies other than work.
  2. Don’t just rely on power (force) to demand subordinates, but show your management and professional talents, so that employees can be convinced.
  3. 47.Everything you do within the organization should not be done for your own personal benefit, but should start with the team as the starting point.
  4. For different employees, we should use different leadership styles to lead, rather than blindly pursuing equality at the same time.
  5. No matter what means (such as reading, surfing the Internet, entertainment activities, etc.), every year you must feel that you have absorbed new information and have obvious growth.


Eight principles of management gives you more power, flexibility, and ability to improve the product and services.


Orbit is a expert in solutions of industrial problems viz quality, production, planning, inspection etc. Orbit is writes about manufacturing's problems and its state solutions for quality lovers..