Documents and records internal audit
Documents and records internal audit and its processes are established to identify non-conformity in document system to ensure standard requirements are complied for internal management.
Documents and records internal audit is processes to identification of non-conformity against standard requirements of international standards or adopted standards for internal management system, the audit processes is conducted to identify non-conformity in documentation and records system which is prepared and adopted as per standard requirements / international standards, which motive of the audit is to identifications of non-conformity and complied all raised non-conformity to comply all requirements for internal management system. Documents and records for internal management is heart of system that should be obvious to all concern department and peoples who are part of system can conducted documentation system and used in the processes, the system of documentation and records are covered all internal management system processes and supporting resources, machineries and equipments concern so the documentation and recording part is significant affects on internal management system, and motive of the audit of documents and records are is to identify potential issues in documents and records system to internal management system became smooth and as per standards.
The purpose of documents and records internal audit for identification of non-conformity in documentations system as required clauses of standards which adopted from international standards or as per product standards, to maintain quality of product standards are very important and all the standards concern activities are depends on documents and records mean documents and records system should be fully complied to standard requirements and through audit all potential non-conformity are identified and compliance are important for internal management system. The documents and records for internal management system is maintained by management representative and responsible for conducting all concern processes within scope of standards. The system should be depends on documents and records that management representative is managing and deployed in system with train to people for used documents and records for analysis, evidences & system improvement. Internal auditors should be qualified for conducting audit and qualified auditors are conducting documents and records system. Auditors are conducting reporting and checklists for audit the areas, hence the checklist are used for documents and records audit is here as below given for sample formatting for education purpose:

Documents and records audit checklist is audit document which used during audit processes, the checklist describe for document and records concern points which are already mentioned in it as per standard requirements, the points are managed to support auditor for audit to reduce time and standard methods for auditing. See below some points are given for sample:
- Is there documents and records in locations, areas and storage divisions are properly controlled, and controlled documents are approved by authority?
- Whether documents are reviewed & amended for changes? Is there any evidence of changes? And all review and amendments are approved by authority?
- Is there documents are legible and readable in normal views? What is the standard form for fonts for electronic copies?
- Whether a current revision status of the documents is available? And what is the method to conducting it?
- Documents distributions are controlled? What is the method for distribution documents, for internal and external documents system and controls are defined? How the trace and records are maintained?
- Is there master control copy documents are maintained separately? What is system for documents controls? Is there procedure is maintained?
- What is the documents and record obsolete system? What is retained period? And how disposal are maintained? What is method of disposal?
As above points are used in documents and records internal audit checklist, and those points can use in internal audit directly for improvement in internal management system. Documents and records internal audit checklist here as above given points are sample points which are general, but the internal management system structure is vast that possible to add more points to comply requirements of standards.
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Documents and records audit checklist