Documentation for parts under inspection
Documentation for parts under inspection establishment required to managing quality inspection, testing & verification of parts to define separate documents & space.
The procedure for quality inspection & testing are conducted with each part manufactured at workplaces are managed to ensure the parts quality, and its documentation are maintained accordingly at inspection defined location, but some inspection testing are managed at production lines and quality department also, the quality inspection process is important processes that verification and assurance provides to production lines had maintained all the requirements of standards as well as technical terms & condition for end applications and those parts inspection needs to managed in-process, finish storage locations by qualified quality engineers, during the inspection processes various tests and inspection procedures are followed and conducted parts to move at one location to another, so its important that each parts is under inspection should be properly identified and documented to easier for all the peoples are concern with manufacturing as well as quality for quality purpose, hence the documentation for parts under inspection processes are maintained by quality department for systematically each part is needs to maintained and documented. Documentation for parts under inspection process is established by quality department to managing each part record separately as well as manage each part in workplaces as identification document with parts.
The documentation for parts under inspection process is established by quality department, and its implementation are managed to ensure the parts quality, the documentation are maintained for manage under inspection parts are managed separately, the quality department is managed parts that having under inspection to avoiding mixing with other parts that under production or rejected, hence its important that each rejected, under inspection should be properly indicated with tag / document to easier for all peoples concern with it. The documentation i.e. tag are managed with each part which are under inspection, see picture below given as example format of part under inspection tag for education purpose:

Part under inspection tag is document used to managing each part under inspection is maintained separately, and for identification of part which the quality process is ongoing are managed separate in workplaces, this tag is important for quality department to identify part which is under inspection, which one is rejected and or in under production are managed through separate tag or each part. The part under inspection tag are used by quality department’s qualified inspectors only, the tag is general information are filled by inspectors to identify the part under process of inspection.
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Part under inspection tag