Document Storage control management
Document storage control management is established to ensure that internal management system records generated by system are maintained & controlled.
Document storage control management system is prepared & deployed in internal management system to managing internal system generated all records are maintained and storage by responsible person that management had assigned duties for maintaining them. Document storage controls and its management is conducted as per internal management system provided procedure to handle all the records to kept in the formats, records are recognized to considering for storage and handling. The document storage management control management The purpose of document storage control management is to controlling over the storage document should in proper formatting system, as per procedure provided by internal management system and the document should be properly storage as the level to easier for accessing concern peoples, there are important that the document security and its management system should be transparent to peoples who are handling documents and records will be permitted to managing as proper security and the documents when needs to accessing or providing concern department requirements. The document should be managed and provided to concern peoples as per system that should be separate management or any mark or any sign to system can understand that the document is uncontrolled or provided on request. All storage records are maintained and disposal conducted as per internal management system, management is monitored & determines its retention period for each document separately.
Document storage control management system is important part of the internal management system which all the documentation system applied in company are maintained and handled by responsible person, management appointed person who handled, storage and manage documentation system, there are also individual specified documentation system where entire system and documentation system is are maintained in document storage matrix system which documents and concern records are storage in table format. The documentation storage management and its records are hold in format that helps to determine and acknowledge internal system and process concern documentations, see picture below given as example format of document storage matrix for education purpose:

Document storage matrix is describing internal management system activities and processes and its output that hold in formats that required to managing all the activities. Document storage matrix is systematic formatting system where document stored, responsible person and the storage locations and retention period are shown on document storage matrix format. It is important that the document must be noted that controlled achieves only remain controlled even as in storage, when any document is issued for any particular request or requirements that taken out of storage must be treated as uncontrolled copy for external party. The document system and its document retention are managed, disposal process is conducted as per retention period and procedure established by internal management system.
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Document storage matrix