Document revision & distribution
Document revision and distribution is process or method to controlling on document of internal management system to manage documents controls.
Each document having its own standard formatting and document unique number for its individual identifications, the numbers are given by management representative of internal management in sense of departmental uniform numbering system individually, on base of the documents number or format number each document is identified & department owner can recognize. On the request of department head for the change document formatting system to comply internal requirements of processes that management preventative allocate new number to particular document with revision is document revision and same is distribute document revision as impact to concern department is part of distribution of document for revised document.
In the internal management system compliance, documentations and its recording are established, maintain and updated with control environment by document control system, document revision and distribution system is part of document and record control of internal management system which is deployed in the company for maintain system. The purpose of the document revision and distribution process is to monitoring on the documents and controlling each revision to maintain unique and in uniform formatting system of documents which is used in various processes, activities of company and the procedure also need to indicate and is to define the controls needed for identification, storage, retrieval, retention, distribution and disposal of document records. The system is overall managing document.
Document revision and distribution process is applicable to all documents which are in used of system to addressing documents & concern processes, document revision is conducted when the document is being under the revision, in case any department is asking for the change of document formatting system, any modification or alteration in the format needed that department head requesting to management representative of internal management for the change document number and revise particular document as per standard formatting system to compliance of department individual requirements of processes, the request is given in standard format which is document change request, when management representative receive document change request along with particular document with required changes are made by management preventative and same the document revision sheet is filled, approved and distribute among concern department, the process of distribution of document is very important after the document revised, see picture below reference document which is used by management representative to change document effect at document revision sheet:

Document revision sheet is sheet for the records which indicates the manner in which these records are indexed. Document revision sheet owner is management representative of internal management system and the document establishments maintain and updated by management representative. The document revision and distribution is parts that helps to internal management system for indexing documents of whole internal management system and on audit of whole internal management system, auditor is conducting the document revision sheet for conducting, understand & preparation of the audit direction on base of the documents which are maintained by company and documents revision sheet covered documents and maintained for internal management system, so the document is very important for the internal management system.
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