Disposition of quality record

In quality management system requirements, documents should be dispose as defined frequency of retention period till have to take care of the documents, hence the retention period of the documents are need to identify the requirements of internal use for each records individually may possible for the re checking for use as reference.
At the time of the documents retention period defining, managements as well as format / documents / record owner are analyze the data of last some years and as past experience that retention period need to define for the disposal of the records and there are also define along with method of the disposal to time of disposal people not need to concern for the same.
In the disposition of the quality records requirements of the international standards as well as internally / practically demand of define that requirements are valid for to reduce expenses on maintain records are not in use.
Records that taken for the disposal are identify as per format identify number are pre defined number that is format are in used by concern department, in the format of disposition of quality record format are given field as record due for disposition on that is due date of disposal records that need to disposal on date to maintain frequency of disposal records.
Record format also fields need to fulfill for the disposition records details that need to mention on which date on records are dispose, by which method all records which due on date are dispose, further head of the department is responsible for this activity off course they aware about the disposal process as involved in activity of quality system.
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