Dispatch documents
Dispatch details documentation or packaged product information documentation is established to advice to dispatch department for shipping the materials.
Dispatch details documentation or packaged product information is documentation are used for sharing information of packaged materials, packed by packaging department for dispatch purpose, the records are shared on materials are packed and ready for dispatch. The purpose of the documentation from production department to verification of the product, standards and its requirements are given by customers by purchase order, the documentation are prepared by production department to verify records from packaging department for verification and dispatch materials to customers as per customer shipping requirements and delivery terms. Dispatch details documentation are verify with production data are packaged materials, in the dispatch details commercial details are not mention due to the details are provided by production department to packaging & dispatch department, where commercial information not required, this document is used for verification of customer provided and same for job order are compared for verify and ensure that product going to dispatching is correct as per product request by customer.
Dispatch details documentation is prepared by production department on product is send to packaging department, the production manager is responsible for verify records and preparation of document sharing to packaging and dispatch department for verification, the details are only managed product concern information there are no any commercial details are involve, its general procedure to conducted by production department, packaging and dispatch department for verify and ensure the product sending to customer are is correct and as per standards requirements of customers. The document send by production department to packaging and dispatch department is dispatch details report, see picture below given as example format of dispatch details report for education purpose:
![Dispatch details report](https://www.inpaspages.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/dispatch_details_report.png)
Dispatch details report is covered information of product which are ready for dispatch mean, the details send by production department to packaging and dispatch department for packaging and verification purpose, this report is conduct by dispatch department and match with customer purchase order and job order to ensure that product given by production department to packaging department for packing is correct and as per order, on completion and conformation of dispatch department, dispatch is shipping the materials to customers, hence this document is very important for management & also for dispatch department. The document of dispatch details report is managed as per standard system, generally management is deploy system for separate file for each job order, and each order is tracking and records are managed according to job order so this document is managed in job order separate file for easier for finding and tracking records.
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Dispatch details report