Dispatch advice for customer orders delivery
Dispatch advice process / procedure are established for conducting customer order delivery to managing dispatch advice & transportation accordingly.
Dispatch advice procedure is conducted to managing customer orders which is ready for dispatch, dispatch advice process is conducted each customer orders and making dispatch advice where concern transportation, delivery address and other important information are managed to conducting dispatch process as per dispatch advice. Dispatch advice is prepared and send to dispatch department for conducting dispatch process, there are possible that marketing department release it or packing department are prepared and provided to dispatch for conducting dispatch process. generally dispatch advice documentation and process is conducted as per company terms and requirements, there are two different department can handle either packing or marketing department, but general view is packing department is communicate with marketing department for the materials are packed and ready for dispatch that marketing department can provides dispatch advice as per communication with customers for address, payment concern and other important details for dispatching materials like transportation, delivery address, schedule for delivery and concern information.
The documentation for the dispatch advice are handled on received from marketing / packing department, when the dispatch department received dispatch advice that concern manager is prepared for the dispatching materials. The dispatch advice received by dispatch department where all the concern information are provided by marketing team for easier to deliver and manage time frame, see picture below given as example format for dispatch advice for education purpose:

Dispatch advice documentation and its process is conducted and managed as per internal management system standards and instructions are provided by management, the system is deployed and maintained for customer order deliver by systematic ways, dispatch advice is document that is part of dispatch system to properly handle delivery on time. The documents are conducted and storage by dispatch department and its disposal process is conducted as per retention period.
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Dispatch advice