Design information Checklist Points : APQP
A. General
Does the design require:
- New materials?
- Special tooling?
- Has assembly build variation analysis been considered?
- Has Design of Experiments been considered?
- Is there a plan for prototypes in place?
- Has a DFMEA been completed?
- Has a DFMA been completed?
- Have service and maintenance issues been considered?
- Has the Design Verification Plan been considered?
- If yes, was it completed by a cross functional team?
- Are all specified tests, methods, equipment and acceptance criteria clearly defined and understood?
- Have Special Characteristics been selected?
- Is bill of material complete?
- Are Special Characteristics properly documented?
B. Engineering Drawings
- 15 Have dimensions that affect fit, function and durability been identified?
- 16 Are reference dimensions identified to minimize inspection layout time?
- 17 Are sufficient control points and datum surfaces identified to design functional gages?
- 18 Are tolerances compatible with accepted manufacturing standards?
- 19 Are there any requirements specified that cannot be evaluated using known inspection techniques?
C. Engineering Performance Specifications
- Have all special characteristics been identified?
- Is test loading sufficient to provide all conditions, i.e., production validation and end use?
- Have parts manufactured at minimum and maximum specifications been tested?
- Can additional samples be tested when a reaction plan requires it, and still conduct regularly scheduled in-process tests?
- Will all product testing be done in-house?
- If not, is it done by an approved subcontractor?
- Is the specified test sampling size and / or frequency feasible?
- If required, has customer approval been obtained for test equipment?
D. Material Specification
- Are special material characteristics identified?
- Are specified materials, heat treat and surface treatments compatible with the durability requirements in the identified environment?
- Are the intended material suppliers on the customer approved list?
- Will material suppliers be required to provide certification with each shipment?
- Have material characteristics requiring inspection been identified? If so,
- Will characteristics be checked in-house?
- Is test equipment available?
- Will training be required to assure accurate test results?
- Will outside laboratories be used?
- Are all laboratories used accredited (if required)?
Have the following material requirements been considered:
- Handling?
- Storage?
- Environmental?
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