Design checking & verification process
Design checking & verification process is established to ensure that design prepared for project will be complied requirement of project.
Design checking and verification process is prepared and conducted to managing activities, documentations and design records for ensure that the design is prepared as per project requirements, all the activities of the design will be managed and improvement in project, and the design will be complied all requirements that project get the benefit and maintained its directions. Design checking and verification is conduct to verify records and design’s parts that needs to manage each process of project and its requirements. The purpose of design checking and verification process is inspection the entire project designs and review design parts for identification of the non-conformity, direction of the project as per design and improvement of the project concern.
Design checking and verification process is prepared by management representative and management representative is responsible for managing procedure in design department, and maintain, update are verified. Design head is responsible to follow procedure deployed for system management, and also responsible to monitoring on each activity within department to maintain system. For the verification of the each process of design department, qualified auditors are managing all documents, audit team is prepared checklist to inspecting each activities, process stages to identify system and its requirements, non-conformity in the system. The document which is used for the inspecting those activities are design process inspection, see picture below given as example format for design checking form for education purpose:

Design checking from covered all process stages and requirements that the format will be complied all the clauses of standards system, in the inspection form design process with it’s concern documentation are also needs to verify and managed as per standards, during the audit, audit team is collecting evidences of the processes and its activities which is used for the standards conformance, in case of any activity is identify non-conformity that design department head is conducted records and managed for improvement, in the design checking form though all the requirements of projects, design details and verification information are helps to determine actions for improvement in designs.
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Design checking form