Customer corresponding system
Customer corresponding system is process to ensure all customers’ opened ticket is properly handled and along with solutions are provided.
Customer corresponding system is a process or procedure system where any customer had opened ticket for any suggestion or complaints had properly handled by customer care executive or any technical, quality personnel. The system is developed and installed in marketing to effective communicate with customers and provided solution line with customer opened ticket. The purpose of system deployment is to maintain customer relation and provides effective solution by communication as response of solutions, system should be provides platform to marketing peoples can determine actions where multiple management required. Customer corresponding system is managing customer’s tickets tracking, details, and actions taken as response for solutions and evidences which determine further actions until customer satisfaction. Marketing manager is responsible for determine system and all the processes are properly conducted during the customer corresponding, by monitoring activities, checking and inspecting random tickets of customers and its solutions.
The system is works on base system established, on any query are raised by customer’s end with product sold or any suggestion with the product concern that customer executives are received, customer executive are primary corresponding with customer for its ticket opened by customer, In case the customer care executive disable to solve any trouble if the technical concern that those complaints or suggestions are forwarded to technical peoples, same as technical peoples had provided effective solution to customer for its sold product and concern services, and finally customer get the solution for particular issues or suggestion. All the records are incorporated in single format and system through the process is conducted, and information during corresponding with customers are recorded in the single format is customer response tracking sheet or customer ticket tracking register. See picture below is given as reference of customer ticket tracking register for education purpose:

Customer ticket tracking register is recording information when customer started any complaint or suggestion concern ticket and all records are maintained as per ticket number. Ticket number is unique and all the concern peoples are searching information and tracking by ticket number. In the customer ticket all the information concern customer are mentioned in customer ticket tracking register to easier for further corresponding, and all the details of customer explained are mentioned and same are customer executives are answered, if the customer executive are disable to provides solutions that customer executive sending all concern information to appropriate department for further actions along with ticket number which is opened on corresponding established. Whenever customer executive is forward query to technical, dispatching, quality or any concern department to issues that customer executive is keep in touch with both the parties to understand and update information to conduct records accordingly. When the full of customer satisfaction and solutions are provided that customer ticket is closed and impact of ticket and issues raised that preventive actions are taken to eliminate possibility of issues.
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Customer ticket tracking register