Handling customer queries – marketing documentation
Handling customer queries is important task for marketing department are managed and documentation are conducted to improvement of services for customer satisfaction.
Handling customer queries & providing response accordingly is regular task for marketing, but its important part of the marketing that should be accurately & respectively managed and provides services that depends the marketing improvement and customer order can concern in enquiry if the proper responses are provided. Handling customer queries are raised in the marketing documentation when any customer are raised enquiry for the product which is manufacturing company and as return marketing team is provides quotation accordingly, when customer needs to more understanding about product, services or any levies that customer is returned / reply in line with quotation of marketing provided, marketing team is conducted all the customer queries that can be in form of technical requirements, standard and material concern, prime / mother product concern queries, levies or transportation concern queries can possible raised that generally. The marketing team is conducted customer queries and analysis requirements of the customer, queries that raised are verified and internal communicate, discuss for each query raised and against customer queries marketing team provides reply for customer satisfaction and conformation to tracking go ahead.
Customer queries handling and documentation is marketing task that conducted by marketing team and marketing manager is responsible for conducting process, analysis information and provides reply to customer for queries, the documentation for customer queries are its individual records are maintained in marketing department, for the individual enquiry records and concern customer queries are recorded in the customer query form, see picture below given as example format of customer query form for education purpose:

Customer query form is conducted by marketing executives and on approvals of marketing manager, further actions are taken that is provides reply to customer against customer queries, the records for each customer query is maintained along with customer enquiry tracking codes in customer folders, the query is impacting on other enquiries that marketing manager is provides information to other customers that impacting on each enquiry that is positive attitude for marketing. The records are maintained in the marketing department as per standard system, and its storage and disposal are conducted as per internal management system and retention period defined.
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Customer query form