Customer inquiry review process
Customer inquiry review process is to identify requirements; technical, commercials and standards to enable proceed to quote to customers for individual inquiry.
Customer inquiry review process is conducted by marketing team for the verification of the customer requirements in the inquiry for particular products and its concern standard, technical and commercial requirements from customers in inquiry, by review team is identify and verify to considering the values of the requirements and as return marketing team is placing quotes accordingly. Customer review process is very important part of the marketing team that needs to individual customer inquiry is conducted for verifications and required actions are conducted. In the beginning of the customer inquiry is recorded in the format or register which is customer inquiry record / register to maintain all the concern information about customer and required products, marketing team is conducted each customer inquiry individual for the review, generally in the review all the details are given by customers are conducted and if more information required for the review that marketing authorized person contacted with customer and completed remain for the same. All the information are conducted in the single format for the review which called inquiry review checklist, in the inquiry review checklist having all the concern information about customer and products, see picture below for reference of inquiry review checklist:

Marketing authorized personnel are conducting the inquiry and short out for proper review individual customer inquiry which having more concern with the product and feasibility of technical and commercial terms, this is very important for the marketing to understand customer requirements; technical, commercial & other terms which are manage & for responding accordingly to customers.
On base of the marketing reviews, customer inquiry is forwarded along with marketing reviews to concern department, engineering and quality department for the further review, engineering team is conducting design and other engineering point of view which given technical information from the customers, each design are conducted to ensure the product design is possible to make by company and all the technical requirements is possible to supply. Hence quality department is also considering the technical details, standard requirements of products and customer specific requirements to ensure the product can possible to manufacturing as required standards, technical terms and customer specific requirements.
Customer inquiry reviews is conducted to make sure the customer requirements are adequately defined, internal capability and capacity should meet the customer requirements, and all requirements that are difficult to comply that should be contact with customer and understand and manage for fulfill if possible or identify any substitute way to comply requirements of customers. The reviews helps to manage all the requirements point to points for the customer requirements.
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