Customer feedback questionnaire

Customer feedback form are sending supplier to customer for evaluation for business exercises are on track or not, customers are satisfied with the services or on which services or product having a suffering, its all comes in return with customer feedback questionnaire form are important for supplier. Find below some general questions are possible to ask to customer for deal great of future command:
Name of Customer:
Note: Customer Name & Address must feel before sent the customer feedback form, its gives a possible impression on customers.
Products buying from us:
General Questionnaires:
1. Lead time assessment
Very long
2. Timely delivery assessment
Just on time
Delay occasionally
Delay very often
Serious delay, already effect project schedule
3. Product packing assessment
Proper & normalized packing
General packing
Rough packing
Defective packing
4. Delivery completeness assessment
Complete delivery, no parts missing
Missing parts occasionally
Always missing parts
Wrong parts delivered
5. Logistics assessment
Logistic accuracy and punctual
Delay occasionally
Bad logistic, found packing broken or damaged
6. Product technicality
Advanced technique
General technique
Low technology
7. Product design assessment
Proper and scientific design
General design
Failure design, found installation trouble
8. Presentation quality assessment
Perfect appearance
General appearance, not competitive
Not good appearance
9. Installation quality assessment
Proper and easy to install
Complex installation
Difficulty to install
10. Operational reliability assessment
Reliable running and long life period
Failure occasionally
Failure always and affect productivity
11. Overall performance assessment
Advanced technique, high cost benefit, take advantage in competition
General technique, no advantage in competition
Low technique, low cost benefit, get disadvantage in competition
12. Service quality assessment
Timely and quick service with good attitude
Normal service
Slack service with bad attitude
13. Quality and Completeness of Documentation
Good. Improvements needed
Not good
Kindly Write the your complains / Suggestions to us, your comments are valued for us.
Supplier’s authorized signature & Stamp as for Customer Authorized Signature & Stamp