Customer call document
Customer call document established to recording customer call and managing related processes to identify solution for customer satisfaction.
Customer call document established, maintained and update to managing records of customer calls concern the product and its quality, and managing related processes to identify proper solution as response of the called by customers to improvement in customer satisfaction. Customer call document is establish on call of customer for particular product / processes or quality concern that having trouble, needs improvement of any other concern issues are raised and its call objectives are considered for further processing, and its records are managed accordingly. Customer call documentation are established on receiving incoming application / call from customer at marketing department, marketing department is conducting customer call, recording information of the call with details and manage for further requirements.
Customer call document established by marketing teams, marketing department received call from customers about the product, quality or any other issues, marketing department is recording information as per call received and describe information in customer call document, the document used for recording information is customer call report, and marketing manager is responsible for monitoring on activities of customer concern details, calls and its follows, see picture below given as example format of customer call report used for recording information from customers, below picture given as education purpose:

Customer call report is format that used in marketing department to recording customer call details, managing records of customers and identification customer queries and its solution. The system document is supporting to managing records and accordingly all the steps are conducted, marketing team is sending information to management for further reviews, management is determine action plan, improvement points to reviews details to satisfy customer requirements and improve customer satisfaction. The records are managed with marketing department and all the required information, storage and disposal’s responsibility of marketing department, hence the documentation are maintained according to standards system as adopted by management.
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Customer call report