Continuous improvement project documentation
Continuous improvement projects documentation is establishment required to managing all on going projects status & progress in single format.
Continuous improvement projects documentation is prepared, maintained and update for recording information, identify project improvement requirements and assessing current status of each ongoing projects, with progress of each stage had involved in particular projects with documentation to ensure that projects are running and progress are on step as expected by management. The procedure is established for managing each project established for individual requirements of department, areas or units that needs to ultimate requirements of maintaining standards requirements, establishment of proper internal system & improvement and quality product deliver to customers, the project which are deployed at the various level in workplaces are managed and its progress reports are manage for conducting progress and its status of stage had completed, what the next requirements of projects and apply the new actions to comply project requirements. Continuous improvement project documentation is prepared on base of the various reports from various projects, all the information are collected and prepared single record format which is help to determine growth of each project and status to ensure the further actions and direction of projects.
Continuous improvement projects documentation is prepared by project management, project manager is responsible for managing documentation for the identify each project requirements and resources for complete project in time frame, and the project manager is also responsible for collecting information from various projects and location to show up current status of each project and progress of stages. The documentation are managed and update as per project progress, the reports are submitted to management with resources requirements, issues against projects and its stages, current status of project and each step that taken are most fields that covered in the report. See picture below given as example format of continuous improvement project record for education purpose:

Continuous improvement project record are establish by project manager through gathering information of current projects at various projects, the records are maintained and used for determine action plan for individual project improvement and action plan for enhancement of project management system. The documentation system is to managing each project in single format that easier to determine action plan for managing each project progress and improvement.
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Continuous improvement project Record