Continuous improvement objectives: The purpose of developing this procedure is to ensure that organization sets objectives appropriate targets are sufficient to achieve determined achievements.
What is quality objective?
Quality objective is overall goal that an organization setup it self to achieve specific targets.
The procedure / process is deployed in internal management system. To the developing this processes for developing objectives & targets. To ensure that appropriate targets are set touching each intent, this procedure should also cover measures which help to determine whether targets have been achieved or to be sure go beyond.
The cause of the quality management system is covered the requirements of implementation for quality objectives are:
- Developing objectives & targets ( quality objectives)
- Quality management system planning
- Continual improvement
Continuous improvement objectives
All above are steps for improvement quality system that is product, services and quality work enhancement and achieving structural processes through defined some targets that are quality objectives. The developing objectives and its targets and performance measures should be defined to cover all the operations, processes, locations and areas of organization to maximum units can get benefits of implementation since initial stage.
All the quality objectives are managed to consistent with the organization policy that an organization manage it self to achieving the targets, hence the objective should be measurable, the performance measurements, its results of organization’s internal management system. And the results can be measured against policy defined, objectives and targets set.
The implementation of quality objective and continuous improvement are possible if effectively each employee, relevant staff, management and employees are expected to follow the procedures defined which contribute to achieve the targets.
The objectives are establishment needs to verification of conditions on issues identified from regular database from production and supporting processes, quality databases, and needs to develop objectives & targets for internal management system are developed based on a numerical assessment against the standards requirements and achievements defined in line with organization mission.
The objectives should cover the legal, statutory and regulatory requirements as necessary and applicable to the organization. The important part of the objectives implementation, the waste management and reduction of waste is important for the manufacturing unit. Hence the workmen involvement, its feedback, suggestion should conducted and improved. As appropriate priority and recorded each requirements received. Another inputs / information sources are regulatory bodies, legal updates, third parties, reviews team etc. It should be considered for continuous improvement.
The objectives are also used to reducing costs, the specific targets for each objective are defined in order for organization to build improvements and save the product cost or process cost in respective unit, hence the performance indicators (KPI) should be defined for each objective and targets to easier for reducing the losses for example waste and scrap. The objectives & targets should be programmed to cover time scales, responsibility, resources requirements as identified by reviews and documentation.
Internal Management Needs
Continuous improvement objectives possible to involve the relevant stakeholders. Such as employees & third parties agency if the effectively involved to them for improvement by presenting continuous improvement requirements. To provides the targets information about quality, community, cost controls etc.,
The continuous improvement program should be available to all interested parties, employees within the organization.
The management meeting and reviews team should involved and discussion, implementation are important for continuous improvement. All initiatives should reviewed for their effectiveness in management meeting which held at frequency defined. The organization require to reviews all documents, that is need to monitor, and measure for particular time scale. To easier for analysis information to use for implementation.
In case of not be achieve objective’s targets during the time frame as define by management. It is require to proper investigation, and records in management meeting to identification of cause.
See picture below document used to tracking the objectives improvement status:
Example: education purpose only:

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Objectives and target tracker