What is Continual Improvement?
What is different between Continual Improvement & Continuous Improvement?
Continual Improvement is requirements of modern systems are focus on continual improvement instead of continuous improvements, continual improvement having great benefits to organization as awareness of company individuals. When we listening word improvement we are thinking about the people, products and organizations’ structured system’s development are on state graph up and up only that is continues improvement are development and enhancement indicates but there are some fault, I don’t want to say fault but it’s a GAP only in continues improvement, in the continues improvement are not merged the requirements of the monitoring, controls on step of improvements are done during the period, each taken improvement can be possible some gaps are still yet can be a defect of improvement graph.
In the continual improvement are gives a opportunity for the steps of improvements are full monitoring on the activities are done as improvement and same as controls in case of the defects are identified. That is the fully monitored and controlled system that support for the next improvement is a continual improvements.
Below Picture are show the continual improvement & Continuous Improvement graph:

On above example, you can see the steps are stay in state after the single improvement due to each improvements monitoring system being active for the find out the gap of fault of on activities are taken during the improvement, Continual Improvement have a opportunity to makes a activities corrections/ corrective and impacts are possible after improvement, reason is next steps are always taken after ensure of improved steps are really controlled.
As same way you can see the picture above are indicate the continuous improvement line a gone up state that improvement graph don’t having a step that indicate any monitoring or controls, perhaps there are one conflicting thought in case of improvement are gone up how possible of any defects? Mostly peoples are having a question to concern; can really possible defect in case of organization having a continuous improvement achieved? Yes it’s possible, see examples below:
In the Consumable Goods store material without any organized, there are same example activities are covered but there is different between both activities are as below:
Continuous Improvement action:
- Materials are stacked as rack wise, well organized material stacking for the easier to find out the any material. Benefits of the improvement are material are easier for find and time saving, material losses and broken possibility are minimized, further looks a very nice.
- On each material Rack, rack wise stickers / labels are deployed to easy for find as well as easier for physical stocking.
Continual improvement Action:
- Materials are stacked as rack wise, well organized material stacking for the easier to find out the any material. Benefits of the improvement are material are easier for find and time saving, material losses and broken possibility are minimized, further looks a very nice.
- After the rack wise material stacking, peoples are monitor the activities for the few days, all the materials are stacked correct but there are one thing are remains, Some materials are not stacked as per self life, there are possible that long self life material are consumption earlier than short self life material, so people are re-organized the material as considering of the self life.
- Critical Spares / parts are separated after the observed by store keeper having for the counting the materials re-order level as defined as critical spare / parts that shut down the organization’s all machinery.
- On each material Rack, rack wise stickers / labels are deployed to easy for find as well as easier for physical stocking.
** You can see the both examples are separate improvement method due to peoples are take some time and observe the activities are practically possible or not and than takes a second actions as improvement.
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