Consumable goods management in store
Consumable goods management is established in store department to organize all incoming, issues and stock materials management and documentation.
Consumable goods management is established, maintain and update in the consumable goods store department to organize all the consumable goods comes in the store department, issues materials form store department to end user i.e. internal departments, and stock on hand on after issues materials management, physically and on records are manage and verification by visual audit and documentation audit in the store department. The stock materials management and its documentation are prepared, maintain and update to compliance of management of consumable goods in store department. The consumable goods management system is applicable to all the stores activities like incoming materials, issues materials, storage and handling and movement the in the store department, in short all the activities conducted in store department will be covered all applicable in management.
Consumable goods management system is established by store management by instruction of top management to conducting each activity, movement, materials management in the store department and store manager is responsible for the each activities within the store so, ensuring the consumable goods management system process is accurately follows by peoples and effectively implementations at all stages by store manager.
All received, incoming materials are conducted by store department but before the inward the materials should be tested, verified and quality inspection is required to ensure incoming materials are as per requirements and standards, store department is visually check the materials with billing or material slip is given by suppliers for the verification, on base of the materials storage department is generating document of goods received notes on after verification of quality and internal visual checking. All incoming materials are storage as per its standard defined, the materials are stages as per groups which is pre defined by store management and the material is stay at the location until not in system requirements, when any end user is generating material requisition, store department is conducting the requisition and deliver the materials against requisition slip, all the issues are conducted records in issue registers. Storage department also very the balance quantity with the physical stock, and its records are noted. All the records are maintained in the single format for the consumable goods, here as below picture is given as reference of consumable goods management:

In the consumable goods register, all incoming consumable goods, with invoice date and invoice number, supplier name and material description is maintained along with received quantity, there are also need to mention all received quantity is located or moved to which locations, when ever the consumable goods are issues that all the concern details like receiver name, department name, quantity issues and slip numbers with signature of receiver is manage in consumable goods, on balance of the remain quantity of particular material is mentioned as per calculations.
All the materials are recorded in consumable goods registers in consumable goods store department, All consumable goods are identified at time of the inward the materials, in case the raw materials or any other materials are identified that consumable goods are not conducting the materials and intimate to concern department for collecting the materials. All incoming materials are stored in the designed areas, rack and locations, and also tagging for the identifications and traceability. whenever the materials are required to for outputs when the issue, material requisition is comes from internal department that store department should used the proper method like First in first out to follow method to conducting system in store department. Some materials are having short shelf life that should be immediate released or purchase on demand for the minimize wastage in the store department.
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Consumable goods register format in excel sheet