Concession approvals on returned material
Concession approvals are conducted by top management on the returned material by customers, concession is sanction on after of the product or service initial & quality inspection by the various ways, site investigation, quality records and raw material inspection to identification of root cause of product defects. On base of the root causes, sources of the product, service deviations, management decided for the concession approval to customers. Concession approval system is the difficult and wide process is started form the customer complaint, when the marketing team received customer complaints for the product quality defects, packaging or any other defect that marketing team is forward the issues to concern department to solve it, concern department is arranging visit to customer site for the investigation of the product to identify root causes and sources of the defects than after the of confirmation of the quality department, concession team that is management is take in hand the matter to considered condition of the material, returned time and delivery times etc. subjective matters are considered for the concession, after all the completion concession approval form is conducted and same approval process is completed on concession granted.
When the product or services deviation is occurs that requires action by the marketing team are conducting the situation, customer release claims or final settlement for the returned product to supplier, a customer is receive the credit in case the problem is solve. Refund payments will be made to customers who have returned materials and the order amount and concession request form, approval system need to forward all the concession request form to management of the company, management is conduct the concession approval form which is passed by marketing team, see picture below concession approval form:

In the concession approval form, all the concern details of the returned materials with the condition of material are needed to mention. There material / part number and description to management get recognize which material is returned. In the concession approval form describes non-conformity of the product and causes of the problem raised with requester name and signature are needed to fill. In the concession approval form, reason of requesting concession details are given by customers which according to customer complaint, on base of the reason given by customer and internal analysis records are base for the approval system, in case the material’s concessions are approved fully then all the material orders’ amount is paid by supplier, in case the material is not granted that reasons are need to given in the detailed, if the concession granted partly that same amount is paid as granted accordingly analysis and evidences are available. This form is reviewed by management personnel and approved for the further actions.
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