Competence criteria for employees
The purpose of define competence criteria to measure knowledge, skill and abilities for particular job tasks of employee for enhance employee performance & productivity.
The competence criteria are measurement of the job requirements to need fulfill by employee for particular job tasks. Competence criteria are defined by human resources department to contributing the concern department manager having a various tasks, and each tasks having its own requirements and competence criteria to needs for implementation of individual employee performance, improvement of productivity. And the competence criteria help to evaluate each employee for their job assigned by management, the performance evaluation is the review system that conducted annual basis and through the competency evaluation competence criteria are reviewed. The competence criteria are never make a fixed, they should be revised and improved timely are recommended as change of management, technology improvement. The competence criteria for employees are established by human resources department on discuss with department head to considering job requirements, processes and activities assigned by management to department for particular stages of management.
The competence criteria are defined on base of importance of job tasks, which tasks are important for the manufacturing and supporting activities are managed on priority, and accordingly competence skill requirements are defined by human resources department for particular designation / position in department or as process owner, hence each defined criteria should be measurable to easier for evaluate, rank it for individual improvement. The human resources department all defined competence criteria are managed in single format is minimum competence criteria format and arrange the further actions to manage each employee record in it, see picture below given example format:

Minimum competence criteria for employee documents are prepared by human resources department to communicate with all the departments personnel to managing records, analysis the department wise, and job requirements to determine further requirements of training and awareness to implement process and product quality. The documentation for employee competency requirements & its evaluation are managed accordingly.
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