Company level objectives & documentation system
Company level objectives & its documentation system establishment required to recording objectives’ annual trend to determine improvement actions.
Company level objectives documentation system is established by management for conduct company level objectives records and its procedures to maintain and update records, improvement of company level objectives and determine plans for achievement of targets of objectives defined by management. The objectives in the company are managed by various types, there mostly departmental objectives and company level objectives, departmental objectives are defined by department head to managing internal requirements of department improvement for enhancement of productivity of machinery, equipment, processes and manpower during manufacturing and supporting processes, the department objectives are recorded and managed separately which are conducted, improvement, achievement of goals and other departmental objectives improvement and development of resources and its requirements are managed accordingly. Hence company level objectives are managed to considering each department objectives which are defined by various departments individually are managed, and those objectives are helps to determine company level objectives where overall each objective are managed to show overall picture of company improvement. For improvement of company level objectives needs to improve and achievement of department objectives and on each department objectives are managed and helps to improve units of company level objectives.
Company level objectives are determine by management representative and responsible for monitoring and controls over each objective improvement requirements, to considering department objectives, hence department objectives defined and improvement responsibility of department head, and on achievement of targets, possible to define new targets for better performance and enhancement of productivity of department’s resources. The company level objectives’ improvement, achievement of targets and individual objective planning are depends on department objectives because each objectives are defined as company level objectives are planned according to department objective so it’s important that department objectives’ achievement or it performance affecting company level objective. For the managing each company level objectives, management representative prepared document for recording information and its target / goal for monitoring & controls, see picture below given as example format of company level objectives sheet for education purpose:

Company level objectives sheet is prepared by management representative to recording information and monitoring of company level objective trend of annual basis, the records are maintained for month wise as per unit of measurements, and records and analysis are conducted as per objectives’ unit of measurement to easier for determine actions for improvement. Here as above picture is given for EHS objectives for all company level objectives are maintained as the same format and records are maintained and action plan prepared accordingly. The company level objectives’ targets are change / modify as per trends and requirements of planning and its records are manage as per standards.
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Company level objectives