Communication meeting task
Communication meeting task is activity to conducting all activities and issues of company during the meeting and identify solutions by discussion in meeting task.
Communication meeting task is process or event where all the company concern issues are discussed in meetings and identify proper solution in line with issues to improve company growth and process improvement. Communication meeting and its concern task is prepared and conducted as per communication meeting agenda and raised issues in the company are discussed, the meeting are managed and discussed on the issues which are pending since last communication meeting and after communication meeting raised issues and its action plan are discussed in communication meeting. In the communication meeting department wise peoples are contributing for discussion on troubles, improvement and activities are conducted in the agenda are conducted individual suggestions and comments to determine action plan for improvement or get solutions on issues. The communication system for the meeting and its records are conducted as per standard method which is defined in the systems.
Communication meeting are conducted by all the department’s personnel to discuss on subjects who are impacting on the product quality, costing other losses that reducing productivity. In the communication meeting all discussed subjects & member’s discussion are recorded to determine actions on particular issue, and also needs to managing that all the department’s personnel are conducting the meeting for to easier for the discussion on subject which can be concern with the any department person, so its important that all the members of meeting are regularly attend the meetings. For the communication meeting and its records are conducted by management representative and also listing the attendances of each member, for the recording attendance of meeting members, communication meeting attendance sheet are prepared and filled on arrangement each meeting. See picture below given for education purpose, to see the reference sheet, individual requirement for documents are manage as per company requirements:

Communication meeting attendance is recorded to ensure individual department’s people are conducting meeting and participated in issues and action plan for improvement in units. Communication meeting, if conducted once in day those records should be maintain the same, in case the meetings are arranged two or three in the days as per shift wise that records are maintained for the same. Communication meeting attendance sheet is maintained weekly basic where daily records are conducted as per shift where all the shift’s supervisors, managers are participated in the meeting or as per defined or selected peoples for meeting, each member’s records are conducted in attendance sheet to further communication & aware the subjects and issues discussed in the meeting, in case any member is not participated in the meeting that member should be legit reason for not conducted and also meeting leader is aware all the issues and subjects are discussed in the meetings are forward to absent member, in case points are concern with member that should be responsible comply in time frame.
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Communication meeting attendance sheet