Collect of starter employee information by HR
The purpose of collection of starter employee information by human resources department for individual record maintains.
The purpose of the collecting employee individual records of new join employee to recording and used for various purpose by human resources department which is maintained records as filing of starter employee information where all the important information about new join employee, information which is maintained for various purpose, like job posting, assignment of duties as per qualification and experiences or any other reason that help to determine requirements of considered job. Human resources department is considering individual records when any employees join the company and by interaction with employee all the information collected during interview and used for job posting and other reasons. In the starter employee information are generally records basic information about employee where qualifications, experience, employee address and contact information record for future requirements.
Collection of starter employee information and concern data are recorded and managed by human resources department and human resources department is responsible for collection of employee individual information, same for new join employee information for records purpose. The records are managed by human resources department in the single format which is standard format are used for collection of individual employee records, see picture below given as example format for starter employee information for education purpose:

Starter employee information format is covered all records that required to maintained and update required to proper fulfill requirements of human resources department to determine any company concern, individual employee concern requirements that helps and used those records. The entire records concern employee is handled and storage at human resources department and storage and disposal is maintained as per standards and retention period.
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Starter Employee Information
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