Operator Qualification Record

Operator Qualification Record When any operator is leave the company or any new machine / plant is establish for manufacturing or any other concern purpose of the company that required…

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What is manufacturing process?

What is manufacturing process?   Manufacturing process is sequence of specific operation which prepare by product realization. Manufacturing process is sequences and interaction of the particular operation for particular product…

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How to write a test report

How to write a test report   Lean how to write a test report to deliver results of the material tested as per standard and specific requirements of material for…

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Poka Yoke

Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing) - Zero Quality Control System (ZQC ) : Zero Defects     Poke yoke is mistake proofing methodology which is basic objective is zero defects approach…

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Contract review

Contract review   The purpose of contract review to ensure that customer requirements are understood & company is capable of meeting customer requirements. Contract review is the understanding between customers…

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Job status report

Job status report   When the multiple jobs are running in the manufacturing processes that required managing all the jobs on the machine and process with consider time frame &…

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Cost Change Request Form

Cost Change Request Form   Cost change is cost control system, cost change is the requirements of the project due to prices of the materials are became high and the…

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Key control Register

Key control Register   Key control register helps to maintain purpose of the key control for protects the properties, life and security of facilities of company. Key controls helps to…

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Hot work permit

Hot work permit   A permit to containing a checklist of items to be measured & granting permission to perform specifically intended works in workplace.   Hot work permit is…

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