Individual Training Record

Individual Training Record   Human resource department, individual training records are maintained for the tracking each employee / workmen records to supporting for the individual improvement and enhancement for the…

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Machine Adjustment Form

Machine Adjustment Form   An organization, machinery / equipment is primary requirements of the any manufacturing unit that need to timely inspection and its required parameters are checking and adjustment…

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Job order Audit checklist

Job order Audit checklist   How customer requirements are determine and communicate? Is there customer specific requirement (CSR) is available? All the requirements and communications are documented? Documentations, process information…

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Production Audit Checklist

Production Audit Checklist   Are adequate product specification like drawing, spare part list, mathematical data, statistical data, production samples etc.. Are available to production personnel? Where all the specifications are…

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Standard final inspection report

Standard final inspection report Final inspection of the product is very important stage that need to care of the inspection and its procedures are very deeply taken the time and…

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Control on nonconforming product

Control on nonconforming product   Are there a procedure / instructions / methods for identifying, controlling and dealing with nonconforming product? Is the identifications – labels / Tag etc.., firmly…

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Workplace inspection checklist

Workplace inspection checklist   An organization follows the international quality system or environment management system that workplace inspection are very important step to quality, health and safety concern, the productivities…

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Project inputs checklist

Project inputs checklist   When project design & implementation phases, design team request for the material as the input to test out the design is perfectly working or still requirement…

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Maintenance work request form

Maintenance work request form   Any department having any trouble to concern the machine / equipment, user department are requesting to maintenance department, maintenance can be concern to mechanical or…

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Product Design Audit Points

Product Design Audit Points   Are there production design phases and its activities are identified? Whether product design is reviewed? Is there verification process & validation activities are identified? Are…

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