Customer Complaint Register

Customer Complaint Register Customer’s feedback is valuable for the supplier & same ways in case of complains from the customers are very important to hear & short out early as…

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Continual Improvement report (Departmental)

Continual Improvement report (Departmental) As we discussed in previous article about continual improvement & continuous Improvement. Here we talk about the departmental continual improvement. Departmental Continual improvement recording is individual…

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What is Continual Improvement?

What is Continual Improvement?  AND  What is different between Continual Improvement & Continuous Improvement? Continual Improvement is requirements of modern systems are focus on continual improvement instead of continuous improvements,…

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Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Quality Plan prepared by quality assurance department for the approval of customer to ensure the quality of  the product will be high as quality assurance plan,…

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Preventive Action Request

Preventive Action Request Most of the industrial people are change or replace part after damage happen with machine or machine’s part, but the preventive actions are mostly not happens due…

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First Part Approval (FPA) Request Note

First Part Approval (FPA) Request Note This request note are generates by purchase department to quality control / quality assurance department for first part approval. This request note need to…

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Overall equipment efficiency – OEE

Overall equipment efficiency (OEE) of Machine/ Equipment   Machinery are runs in twenty four hours by seven that efficiency should be need to records, machines are run with full utilities…

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Over head Crane Break down Cost Analysis

Over head Crane Break down Cost Analysis Analysis of the overhead crane is important as same as breakdown time analysis, costing of the breakdowns are reflect the financial & men…

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Over head Crane Breakdown Analysis

Over head Crane Breakdown Analysis   Cranes is critical equipment for plant that all the works can shutdown on break down of cranes. All the works are depended on cranes…

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Audit Training Evaluation Sheet

Audit Training Evaluation Sheet Audit Training is unscheduled training which is not includes in training calendar, Audit Training comes from audit that requirements of the non conformity to conduct training…

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