Documents of Critical spares and parts for maintenance

Documents of Critical spares and parts for maintenance   Critical spares and parts documentation are established to recording information of critical spares and parts which needs immediate for maintenance activity.…

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Task Shutdown investigation

Task Shutdown investigation Task shutdown investigation process established to provides standard works and guidelines to conduct each task shutdown in production line.   Task shutdown investigation process established to provides…

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Management representative internal audit

Management representative internal audit Management representative internal audit conducted for identification of non-conformance to comply and manage internal management system as per scope of audit.   Management representative internal audit…

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Food Safety officer internal audit in food manufacturing

Food Safety officer internal audit in food manufacturing Food safety officer internal audit is conducted to ensure all documents and reporting and food safety concern activities are handled as per…

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Product defect identification documentation

Product defect identification documentation Product defect identification documentation is establish a standard process for maintain records and support to determine action for product defects and quality implementation.   Product defect…

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Monthly audit of documents and record of human resources

Monthly audit of documents and record of human resources Monthly audit of documents and records of human resources department to ensure all documents & records are maintained properly to meet…

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Employee Attendance justification report

Employee Attendance justification report Employee attendance justification report is document which used on employee attendance justification on absence or coming delay on job.   Employee attendance justification report is established…

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Continual improvement of process efficiency

Continual improvement of process efficiency Continual improvement of process efficiency is monitoring and controlling system established in monitoring in-process parameters to ensure product quality.   Continual improvement of process efficiency…

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Material management observation process

Material management observation process Material management observation process is established for conducting material management system to identify and compare system requirements and sustain standard system.   Material management observation process…

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