Production Analysis Report

Production Analysis Report In the manufacturing unit, production is heart of company. As personally filled that company owners pleased to listened noise of machinery reason is simple that they need…

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Employee Self Appraisal

Employee Self Appraisal   Employee are assets of company and liabilities too, when the employees productivity are perform at best level in case of employee is assets, but if the…

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Document Control record

Document Control record   International standards – Quality management – ISO 9001, Environment management – ISO 14001 or OHSAS – health and safety management, any international standard that organization follows…

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Compressed Gases checklist

Compressed Gases checklist Incoming compressed gases cylinders are checked / inspection before storage? Is there any evidence? Incoming compressed gases cylinders are download from truck / vehicle with care? How…

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Disposition action for excess production

Disposition action for excess production   Excess product manufacturing need to permit from higher authority that is management, approvals of management for excess product manufacturing are possible, excess product can…

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Equipment Purchase project form

Equipment Purchase project form   Purchasing of equipment is challenging job if the heavy equipment having the functions that are used in various processes and controlling on divisions of the…

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Contractor Daily report

Contractor Daily report  When the organization has the various department and multiple unit that arrangements of the manpower is challenging job for human resource department of organization, the finest solution…

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Emergency drill audit

Emergency drill audit   When organization working environment and its process and procedures are very huge and heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals are used to possible emergency that emergency drills are…

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Industrial health checkup register

Industrial health checkup register   In organization, as indicated factory acts / government rule, acts had defined employee numbers, when over the employees are works over the organization that some…

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