Petty Cash voucher

Petty Cash voucher   Petty cash voucher is note for small amount transition, expenses in cash which is difficult to pay by Cheque or not possible to regularly made any…

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Modification request form

Modification request form   Modification request form is format use as application for the change / add or delete any part of the document or complete remove from the system,…

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Product specification – Quality assurance

Product specification – Quality assurance   Quality assurance department is preparing product specification for requirements of customers, product standards and technical requirements are fulfill. Product specification is detailed information about…

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Water analysis report

Water Analysis Report   In manufacturing unit, water management is biggest part of the management, water input and output both is very important for maintain manufacturing & working environment as…

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How to maintain audit findings & status?

How to maintain audit findings & status?   Audit is important part of the internal management system and also very important to find out current status of the management system…

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Customer satisfaction level Analysis

Customer satisfaction level Analysis     Customer satisfaction level is the measurable target level of compliance of customer requirements, expected services or beyond expectations. As simple at first look, each…

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Toolbox meeting record

Toolbox meeting record   What is toolbox meeting?   A Toolbox meeting is a group discussion of individual department’s peoples that discuss subjects on a particular issues concern safety.  …

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Start up Business Cost Sheet

Start up Business Cost Sheet   When we start the business, we needs to focus on basic requirements like capitals, land, machinery and some government permission to start the manufacturing…

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Machine analysis report

Machine analysis report   In manufacturing unit, machine and equipment are important parts that need to concentrate on it, maintain and analysis of the each activities can help to reduce…

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